The problem of maternal love arguments

In V. Sukhomlinsky’s article there is the problem of maternal love. This problem refers to the category of the eternal and that was always. The moral question, over which the author reflects, is very salutary, because the mother, as in the Middle Ages, and today is the only person for the child who will never give, will not deceive.

The author believes that maternal love is strong, and “there is no tenderness more tender than caress and maternal care, there is no anxiety disturbing sleepless nights and the mother’s unclosed eyes.” I completely agree with the author, and, in my opinion, my mother is that person who will comfort, understand and forgive at any moment of our life. Her love is a great power that helps in the hardest times. To confirm your position, you can bring a huge number of arguments. Consider them.

As a first proof, I want to give an example from the literature. In the work of A. N. Tolstoy “Russian character” the main hero of Dremov, awarded a vacation, went home, introducing himself as another person. But not having lived there for a day, he returned to the unit. It seems to Dremov that he became a stranger to his parents. But her mother’s heart told her that his son had come. It does not matter for parents whether their son is beautiful or not, so that he will live.

As a further proof, I want to cite the quotation of a famous person. Maxim Gorky said: “It is possible to talk about motherhood endlessly, so the love that the mother bestows on her child is unavoidable. The words of the Russian writer only confirm that there is no love stronger than the mother.

Thus, indeed the mother’s love for her child is pure, real.



