During its long history, the Russian people have undergone more than one major war. This time is, undoubtedly, the most terrible thing that could happen to people. The terrible events of 1941-45 still cause trembling in the hearts of contemporaries. Literature also does not ignore this period of history, revealing to us various aspects of time. One of the most burning issues in the literature of the twentieth century is the question of morality and humanity in the conditions of war. Very many writers raise it. Is it possible to keep a clean, sincere heart when close and dear people die every day around you, and a friend may turn out to be a traitor? What motivates a man, for which he is ready to go and fight from the last forces and what does the word Rodina mean for him? Such themes are revealed in many works of Russian writers of the twentieth century.
One of the brightest examples is the story of Sotnikov. Here, the opposition of two heroes – Sotnikov and Rybak – is most distinctly observed. They serve in the same platoon and at first do not differ in their behavior from each other. The work reveals the character of the heroes at a critical moment. When the soldiers go to get food for fellow soldiers, they are in captivity with the Germans. Sotnikov goes on assignment, being heavily chilled, and his partner finds it hard to wait for him and help him – from time to time Fisher’s words show discontent. However, he does not throw a comrade.
Once in captivity, Rybak tries to cheat, agreeing to the offer of enemies to move to their side. But his companion understands what this trickery will turn out, and it turns out right: The fisherman does not run after all to his own, but in fact betrays his homeland. By order of the Germans, he executes Sotnikov, who accepts death with dignity, without betraying the Motherland. A real soldier who is not afraid of neither frost nor illness, he staunchly holds to the end and before the very death of his thought – only about saving the Motherland, about his life he does not think.
In general, domestic writers sought to show in their works a brave and brave man, because the war truly showed the patriotism of Russian people. And all the stories, novels and novels that appeared during and after the war are meant to open not only the pain and horror, but also the love for the Fatherland that has risen in the hearts of people and the readiness to protect it to the last drop of blood.
Another powerful and touching work that demonstrates the true humanity and firmness of the fighters’ beliefs is “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” by B. Vasilieva. The story tells the story of a small detachment of young girls under the command of the sergeant-major Vaskov – a real hero, boldly dashing under bullets to protect his charges. And each of the girls – surprisingly brave and strong, they all desperately defended their front. Five girls and a foreman against sixteen fascists, who are full of weapons. They managed to stop the enemy, but no girl survived – it was from such stories that the Great Victory over the fascist forces of Germany took shape.
Each such story, exposing the soul of a Russian person in the difficult conditions of war, gave hope and made it clear that only by remaining a strong and strong-willed man, honest and loving, can we stand in this battle in common. And they survived, they did not break down, they did not surrender their homeland to the enemy. That’s what the greatest works of the twentieth century tell about.
Remaining human, even in war, is the most difficult task that Russian soldiers accomplished with dignity. Therefore, this reckless sincerity and purity is considered to be the most important quality of the real Russian soul.