In life, too many situations, when a person faces the need for a very difficult choice. On the one hand, a person does not always understand all life’s problems in order to understand what to choose. On the other hand, everyone is afraid to make the wrong choice, because through this he can harm himself and everyone around him. It is for such cases that a person needs life guidance. Landmarks are the main goals of the person, his guiding principles, according to which she makes certain decisions. It is very important to have landmarks, because without them life will almost completely lose its meaning, and man is his destiny.
In total, I have several such principles that can be considered benchmarks. The most important of them is not to lie to yourself. Often you can see how people refuse to recognize the truth and obvious truths, deceives to improve their own mood. Examples of this are so abundant and diverse that it hardly makes sense to call them. Personally, I understand the harmfulness of self-deception, and therefore completely reject it.
My first life guide is always to recognize the truth. This is also connected with my second life guide – I do not deceive others. Lying to others is compared to lying to oneself, because by deceiving others, you actually acknowledge your cowardice, because for some reason you can not tell them the truth. I am an honest and open person, I have nothing to hide and fear, as I have the right to my own opinion and own free actions. My second guideline is decency and the use of the golden rule of morality. I act with all decency and conscience, so I have a full moral right to demand from others that they treat me fairly and conscientiously.
No one wants people in the world to be at enmity, to clash and swear with each other. However, this happens regularly. To reduce these negative manifestations to a minimum, I start with myself and behave exceptionally decently. My third point of reference is intolerance towards criminals, villains and dishonest people. Everyone who commits crimes or behaves dishonestly must be punished. I’m not looking for any excuses, I do not want to improve the fate of those who allowed themselves to go against the law and against morality. All criminals and immoral people should be punished for their actions.
For different people, the landmarks perform a different function. Someone thanks to landmarks wants to improve their lives, someone wants to cajole God and atone for sins. I, while defining my guidelines, are guided not by personal benefit, but by public benefit. I want our society to be more pure, fair and transparent. That people in this regard lived better. It is for this that I create my own guidelines and follow them.