People tend to dream. So I once dreamed of a house in which I would like to live. It is possible that my fantasy will someday be fulfilled, because dreams sometimes come true, especially when they become a goal. For this, I try to paint a picture of my house more realistically, describing all its details.
My house should be located on a hill so that a river runs downstairs. Then I will be able to see from afar who goes to visit me along the path, both sides of which I want to decorate with bushes of a lace rose, lilac and honeysuckle. A small garden with fruit trees will grow in front of the house, so that every guest can enjoy his fruits. And behind the house I will have a workshop in which I will paint my canvases or play the guitar, or sew beautiful outfits. I do not know yet what my hobby will be, but in my house he will be given a worthy place to create scope for creative design in my soul.
On the first floor there will be only one room. It will be huge in all width and length of the house, only small columns will visually protect the dining room from the kitchen, hallway and living room. There will be low comfortable sofas, ottomans, armchairs. I plan to have many guests in my house, and that everyone is comfortable. Small tables will stand next to the sofa. But a little bit further I will allocate a place for a large dining table, after which my whole family will gather for a friendly dinner.
On the second floor there will be bedrooms for all my household members, and a few more for the guests. Immediately there will be an office. It will necessarily be an excellent library. The table is in front of the door to the balcony. Bookcases with working documents and necessary literature are located on both sides of the table. Closer to the front door, on the right side, is a cozy armchair, next to which is a small coffee table and floor lamp. This chair is surrounded by endless shelves with books. Some of the bottoms can only be reached with a ladder. On the other side of the door there is a piano to occasionally play, this will give a positive attitude to the work and a charge of vivacity.