National stereotypes

People’s stereotypes are representations and beliefs about other groups that have their own characteristic and evaluation. They show the real position of the people in relation to other countries with whom relations are constantly changing.

Stereotypes of other peoples are closely connected with the assessment of their state or people, as well as with the vision of their people’s identity. People’s stereotypes react to the differences that exist between “us” and “them”, the concept of opposition and conflict. Others we can imagine both as an enemy and as a friend. This means that the vision of other peoples is connected, first of all, not with real facts, but with their own people’s self-identification. So, stereotypes are not a true assessment of others.

Now it is necessary to analyze in detail the auto-stereotype of the Ukrainian, that is, the stereotype of himself and his nation. Polish researcher Ryabchik, believes that self-esteem never answers the truth, because the objective picture of his people is more abstract, inconstant and impossible to clearly delineate. The autostereotype is also not a mistake, since it affects the behavior and thoughts of its people, which unconsciously confirms the expectations expressed. More often than not, the stereotype of one’s people is made up of positive traits, and to a lesser extent, from negative ones.

For example, the Poles consider the English to be mean, but they themselves are frugal; Ukrainians consider the Russians – for linuhov, and themselves for the slow. With caution and distance, Americans treat Asians, emphasize the stereotype of “Asian cruelty” and “expansion from another world.” Normal stereotyped thinking is not a threat in open states, where there is free circulation of information, observance of democratic values, the consciousness of law, the priority of human rights and a high level of education and culture.

The people are a historical and cultural category, formed due to the long-term integration of many different tribes. The existence of the people as a community is a public fact and a work of consciousness: objective factors influence the formation of the people: economic, cultural, political, as well as the attitude of individuals to their land, beliefs in common origin, a sense of common history, positive self-esteem, awareness of common interests, desire to have an independent state. Thus, the people are approaching their homeland. The emergence of people’s self-identification indicates the maturity of the people.

It should be emphasized that the development of language, the printing of literature in this language, and the shared history have great influence on the formation of people’s identity. This strengthens the desire to create a strong state. Consciousness of belonging to one’s own state is very important. A “healthy” state should give a person dignity, a sense of security, a sense of value, pride, a high level of cultural and religious heritage. The basis of the homeland is the people, conscious of their history, which feels a connection with their previous generations and has a desire in the future to continue the development of their homeland.

The next element of the Motherland is its territory, which historically belongs to the people. The threat of losing their land is a factor that leads to political actions – for example, to fight for their independence, intensive cultural development. The homeland contains in itself the heritage of culture, it is the source of the people’s being, with what language is connected, as well as the history that we pass from generation to generation.

History is the memory of the people, so destroying history is the same as depriving a person of memory. The people who lose their history lose their self-identification. It should be emphasized that the people themselves, the territory itself, the state structure or culture is not yet a homeland – but all these components, and the most important culture of the people together create a homeland. There are many Ukrainians born outside of Ukraine, but they consider it their homeland, there are also many non-Ukrainians who live in Ukraine, but identify themselves with Ukrainian culture and tradition, consider Ukraine their homeland. The sense of belonging to his fatherland rests, first of all, on the knowledge and perception of his culture (O. Kozankevich, 529 sl.).



