“Nature of Russia” composition

Russia, Russia is my great homeland! Arrived for the first time in Russia, amazing endless spaces, endlessly stretching fields and forests. And I, admit, do not cease to admire her beauty. Any season is good, but in the summer it is especially magical around – solid grass carpets, and they are constantly changing: early in the spring, tender golden greens are animated by golden-yellow dandelions, then comes the sequence of pink and white kashka, cornflowers, chamomiles, flowering clover, mother-and-stepmother – Yes, do you enumerate everything that can be found in the meadows.

And all this beauty is filled with larks. It’s nice to go field on a bright sunny day. At heart – a holiday, but how else, when there is such magic around. I can not resist and I weave a wreath of wild flowers. Among the meadow there is a small river, Rekusha, the water ringing loudly over the pebbles, happily runs to the Volga. In places there are whole thickets of yellow water lilies, but the hand does not rise to rip them, destroy this beauty. In the water they are uniquely charming, amazed at the diversity of terrestrial plants.

In nature, everything is rational and beautiful, you just have to learn to see this beauty, be able to protect it, save it for future generations. Nature is gorgeous in and of itself, and at the same time how much it brings gifts to people! Communication with nature brings an extraordinary spiritual strength. It is no accident that holy people went to remote places to communicate only with God and nature. I am proud that I live in Russia, among these forests and fields, I want future generations to receive from us the same beauty of their native nature. To do this, you must endlessly love your land, take care of it carefully, multiplying its wealth.

“Nature of Russia” composition