In the explanatory dictionary there is a definition of the word “lazy”:
“A man who does not like to work, lazy.” It is used as an abusive word. “
That is, almost all people understand that it is not very good to shy away from work, it is shameful to do nothing if everyone is working around you, and it is ugly to let others down if they are counting on your help, and you do not provide it.
In our class there are students who do not study well, that is, they have low grades. Are they lazy or not? Do not want or can not? No ability or desire?
For example, Igor and Pavel are good sportsmen, they win in competitions, but they do not know the rules of the Ukrainian language, they write dictations for units. Natasha and Olya write essays well and learn poems by heart, but they can not cope with problems in mathematics. Zhenya – adores the natural sciences, collects collections of dried insects, herbarium, but very poorly studies in Ukrainian and especially English. Nikita and Bogdan – are not interested in anything, do not participate in the life of the class, and do not have ratings more than “4” in one subject, even
With drawing and physical education. And Elena began to study worse only recently, because she had a little sister, and she helps Mom a lot at the labor house.
Let’s think together, do we care about our classmates? Is it important for us to just learn well ourselves, or is it too lazy to help our comrades? After all, we are one team, and our help, perhaps, is very necessary to them? We are not too lazy to ask, and we are not too lazy to help.