Sooner or later, the question of the meaning of life begins to worry every thinking person. But to answer why people live in a global sense is not so simple – the best minds of humanity reflect on this age. Let’s consider the basic theories and draw the appropriate conclusions.
The basic theories are reduced to several positions, in different variations of the repeating ones. Thus, ancient Greek and Roman philosophers believed that man lives for the good, which in each concrete case can be formulated in different ways. Some (for example, Diogenes) believed that man should strive for happiness, others (Aristotle) pointed to the need for knowledge of the world, the third (Epicurus) argued that the meaning of life is in obtaining pleasures. More modern nihilism is, in fact, the same epicurianism.
One of the most common theories about the meaning of life is the theory of man’s fulfillment of God’s will. Such views were held and adhered to by many branches of Hinduism, and from monotheistic religions – Christianity and Islam. At the same time in the same Christianity, earthly existence is sort of put out of the brackets, and the main emphasis is on preparing a person for life in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is interesting that many philosophers admit the influence of the higher will. A striking example is Arthur Schopenhauer, who, incidentally, did not point out the need to follow this will and said that there is simply no meaning to life for a person, that’s why he comes up with all sorts of entertainment, trying to avoid suffering.
Many determine the meaning of existence in accordance with their past experience. A person can adhere to one or another theory or be a devoted devotee of a particular religion, but what of that? To really understand what the meaning of your existence is, neither religion nor philosophical dogmas will help. This can be done only by the person himself, because understanding comes only from within – from his own internal source. There is a very good statement expressed by one wise man: “None of those who order you to do something can not be called a teacher.” He can only be called a butcher. “
Dogmatism has not yet helped anyone, but to make you look like a zombie blindly obeying various instructions, he can. And, nevertheless, eternal, eternal values still exist. Words such as understanding, charity, love, justice, sooner or later lead a person to comprehend the meaning of their existence. And what’s wrong with people living for each other? True love can awaken the highest feelings in a person, purify it – and then the answer to the question about the meaning of life will be found by itself.
At the beginning of this chapter, I used the phrase “internal source”. What is it? So you can define our consciousness with you, thanks to which only it is possible to know all things in the world, including the meaning of existence. Refer to the source, look inside, knowing where our desires come from and why there are fears – only so you can understand why and why we live.