Composition on the theme of war children

When we reflect on the Great Patriotic War, we remember the deceased soldiers, their exploits, heroism. But it is worthwhile to think that sometimes left behind in the rear or in the territories captured by the fascists was much worse. Especially a lot of grief and horror fell on children.

Their fathers went to the front, perished, and mothers often did not know where to get food to live the next day. In this regard, it was a bit easier for the villagers. They had a land that, although yielding a meager crop, could still feed a little. The children dug up the remains of potatoes, ran into the forest to search for mushrooms, berries and useful roots. They had to work on an equal basis with adults, because there were not enough workers.

War can not be fair, because it is not just right to fight. T. Kotarbinsky

In cities for children, the situation was more difficult. Food was given for rations, portions were tiny. Workers of factories and factories could receive an increased portion of bread. Many industrial enterprises were evacuated deep into the country, along with the families of employees. And the children were going to work. And they worked sometimes faster and better, exceeding all established norms.

Children dreamed of repeating the exploits of fathers and brothers. Many specially added their own age to be taken to the front or to the military school, to the school of a young man.

There were many cases when children went to partisans, especially often in the occupied territories. They took revenge for their dead relatives, took revenge cruelly and mercilessly.

Children are a symbol of happiness and life. But the war rewrites all the roles. And they grew up early. They grew up from hunger, explosions, bloodshed before their eyes. Parents were killed before their eyes. But they did not forget. They did not lose heart and grew stronger, they were supported by others, helped them. They were able to survive the misfortunes and, together with the whole country, to build a new life after the war.



