Composition “Family is a crystal of society”

The statement I have chosen concerns questions about what “family” is and what its role in society is. Today I would like to find out why Victor Hugo calls the family a crystal, because there are a lot of notions to this word.
The relevance of this topic is that the family, as a social institution, began to form about five hundred thousand years ago, and until now almost every one of us is a member of a large or small family. First of all, I would like to note that the family as a social institution is such a cell of society that is aimed at meeting the needs of people, that is, members of a particular family. Also, the family as a social institution has a lot of different functions, such as reproductive, economic-economic, social-status and, of course, emotional-psychological. It is worth noting that the family primarily forms a person as a person. It is not difficult to guess what kind of situation in the family, how the child is brought up by the parents, what norms and values ​​in this family are based only on communication with one of its members.
As for my opinion, I fully share the position of the author of this statement. After all, it’s not a secret for anyone that a crystal is a solid rock. And the strength of society as a whole, in my opinion, directly depends on how strong people are morally and physically in it. Moreover, the family is the first step in the socialization of the individual. How good or bad a person will be in the future depends on what values ​​were imparted to him at a young age. As people grow up, they marry and create their own families. I believe that one of the most important functions of the family is a reproductive function, since the whole of our world consists of people without whom life on earth that we can now see is impossible.
I still want to back up my point of view with arguments from life. First, by announcing 2008 as the year of the family, the president wanted to inform the people that the state can not exist without healthy strong families. In that year, the living conditions of young couples improved and fertility increased due to various laws adopted to support families, as well as various projects. Moreover, the situation in the country has become more favorable in comparison with the previous years. As a second example, I want to show the importance for society of the economic functions of the family. If a family, for example, has its own business, passed down from generation to generation, it is not difficult to guess that such a family can provide a decent standard of living not only for itself but also for its descendants. Stability and prosperity of modern society directly depend on the well-being of families and people. The favorable state of the economic sphere, the absence of crises, implies the development of the best in one country or another. Are there any people in the world who seriously want to live in a poor country with a backward economy? In my opinion, the answer is obvious. Indeed, much in the country depends on the state of the families. Finally, I would like to say that by the efforts of every family, such an important unit of society, we can create a strong, reliable, stable and “crystal-hard” state.



