The last years of PA Fedotov’s life are characterized by a particularly high creative productivity. Deeply, subtly and expressively the artist conveys in his works the life and customs of his time. “Widow” – one of the later works of PA Fedotov – was written in 1851-52.
In comparison with earlier works, the picture “The Widow” is distinguished by a special simplicity. On the canvas there is only one character and there is absolutely no movement.
In the dark room, leaning on the chest of drawers, stands a young pregnant woman. She is in a mourning dress, on her face – an expression of deep thought and sorrow.
The furnishings tell a lot about the woman. Here is a portrait of an officer in uniform – the deceased wife of a woman. Probably, he left her some debts – the property has already been described by the creditors: the labels are clearly visible on furniture with state seals.
In the basket are stacked things – silverware, books and notes, a casket with dear heart trinkets – everything that she had left from a past life. The widow is doomed to need, she will have to leave this cozy home, and the future does not promise her anything good.
Fedotov achieves in the picture a great power in the expression of feelings. In the pose and expression of the young woman’s face there is nothing ostentatious, but a lot of spiritualized beauty. The author shows himself a subtle psychologist – reveals the emotional experiences of the heroine, the depth of her human tragedy.
The painting “The Widow” is distinguished by high skill of execution. The flame of the candle softens the contours of objects and informs the canvas of that disturbing tension, which so suits the spiritual state of the depicted woman. By the power of his talent, the artist was able to poeticize the image, to give it features of sublime beauty. His subtle simplicity, lyricism PA Fedotov’s painting “The Widow” recalls the images of women in the works of Pushkin.
In addition to describing the picture of P. A. Fedotov “Widow”, on our site there are many other descriptions of paintings by various artists. which can be used both in preparation for writing essays on the picture, and simply for a more complete familiarization with the works of famous masters of the past.