Composition on the picture of Ge “Pushkin in the village of Mikhailovskoye”

Before us is a picture of the famous Russian artist NN Ge “AS Pushkin in Mikhailovskoye.” It depicts Pushkin’s meeting with Pushchin, who visited the poet in his exile.

In Mikhailovskoye Pushkin was exiled for his freedom-loving poems. Near him there were no friends, no relatives. Only nurse Arina Rodionovna spent long evenings sitting with knitting at the window, telling fairy tales and listening to poetry poetry. Pushkin was lonely without friends. And he was just happy when one winter morning his Lyceum comrade Pushchin came to see him.

In his painting, the artist depicted the moment when Pushkin reads poetry to Pushchino. The poet is in the center of the picture. He stands leaning on the table, holding out his right hand, and in the left holds the pages of the manuscript. His face burns with inspiration and enthusiasm.

Before him, in a deep armchair, conveniently located, sits Pushchin. He, smiling, listens attentively to Pushkin. It is felt that he is also very happy to see and hear his friend.

In the background, lit by light from the window, is a nanny sitting on a chair. In the hands of Arina Rodionovna knitting, but she forgot about him, with love and tenderness she looks at her pupil.

The whole picture breathes peace and happiness. The artist uses light and warm colors for his painting, uses contrast reception.

This picture is like that it has a life-affirming, festive mood.

The painting was purchased by N. Nekrasov, and now is in the Kharkov Art Museum.



