Homer. Biography

Homer is a legendary poet, to whom the ancient Greeks attributed the authorship of the most ancient of the ancient poems “Iliad” and “Odyssey” that survived to us, which appeared during the transitional period from the clan system to civilization and recorded in the 8th century. BC. e. In ancient Greece, Homer was revered as the greatest genius of poetry, which created her unsurpassed designs for all time.

Legends portrayed Homer as the son of a god, a blind singer, a wanderer who earned his living by the execution of his poems… But scientists do not have any information about him and can not even answer the question of whether such a person was at all. Therefore, in parallel with the ancient tradition of securing the “Iliad” and “Odyssey” for Homer in philology, there are other versions. One of them, for example, denies the existence of Homer and considers the poems mentioned as products of collective folk art. Another – proclaims Homer co-author of poems, working on them together with other singers. The third hypothesis suggests that Homer should be considered a “rhapsode”. Discussions about Homer entered the science under the general title “Homeric question”.

Poem “Iliad” is dedicated to the events of the last, tenth year of the Trojan War, which was conducted in the XIII century. BC. e. between the Greeks and the Trojans. The poem depicts pictures of military life, battles and deeds of the glorified heroes of Hellas. “Odyssey” also tells about the adventures that the hero of the Trojan War Odysseus experiences during twenty years of wandering. Together, these poems reflect the two most important facets of the poetic spirit of Hellas – heroic and adventure-fantasy.



