Goethe’s “Reineke-fox” in brief

The action takes place in Flanders. The plot is well known and was repeatedly subjected to Goethe poetic processing. The generalizations contained in the text make it possible to attach the plot to many times.

On the holiday, Troitsyn day, the bestial king Nobel gathers his subjects. He did not come to the court only Reineke-fox, he is a rogue and avoids once again appearing on the monarch’s eyes. Again, all the animals complain about him. In Izegrim the wolf, he dishonored his wife, and injured the children, he took the last piece of sausage from the dog, Vakerlos, almost killed the hare of Lampa. The badger stands for his uncle. He tells everyone how unjustly the wolf acted with Reineke, when the wolf, cunningly climbing on the cart of the peasant, slowly began to throw off the fish from the cart, in order to satisfy hunger together with Izegrim. But the wolf ate everything himself, and the fox left only the ovaries. So did Izegrim and with the division of the pig’s carcass, which Reyneke, risking his own life, threw him through the window of a peasant house.

At a time when all the animals were ready to agree with the badger, they introduced a decapitated chicken on a stretcher, her blood was shed by Reineke-fis. He violated the King’s rescript of an indestructible peace between animals. Having made his way into the house of the rooster, first he dragged the children, and then killed the hen.

Angry Nobel sends for the fox bear Brown, so he brought him to the royal court. The bear sought the house of Reineke without difficulty, but he said that he wanted to treat the messenger with honey in honeycombs. He led Brown into the yard to the carpenter, showed the pack in which the peasant drove the stakes, and invited him to get out honey from there. When an amateur to regale with his head climbed into the pack, Reyneke imperceptibly pulled out the pegs, and the bear’s face and paws were stuck in the deck. From the pain, Brown began to yell, then the carpenter ran out of the house, saw a clubfoot, called fellow villagers, and they began to beat an uninvited guest. Hardly breaking out of the pack, obradav muzzle and paws, barely alive, Brown returned to the court of the king with nothing.

Nobel sent for a fox cat Ginze, but he fell for the cunning of Reineke. The dodger said that nearby, in the barn of one priest, there are fleshy mice, and Ginze decided to have a snack before the way back. In fact, near the hole in the barn, the son of a priest pulled a noose so that a thief who steals chicken from them gets caught in it. The cat, having felt the rope on itself, roared and hammered. The family of the priest came running, the cat was beaten, and his eyes were gouged out. Eventually, Ginze peregryz rope and ran away, in this very deplorable state, he appeared before the king.

For the third time, his nephew, badger, volunteered to go to Reyneke. He persuaded the fox to come to the court. On the way, Reineke confesses in his numerous sins to a relative to ease his soul before appearing before the court.

The court, having taken into account the numerous complaints against the fox, decides on the execution by hanging. And now, when the guilty has already been taken to be executed, he asks for a postponement to tell everyone about his “crimes” to the end.

Father Reineke found in the recent past the treasure of Emmerich the Mighty and planned to organize a conspiracy to put on the throne a new king – Bear Brown. Their supporters, and they were the wolf Izegrim, the cat Ginze and others who now spoke at the trial against Reineka beasts, he bribed with a promise of money. Then faithful Nobel Reineke hunted his own father, where he kept the treasure, and hid it. When the old fox discovered the loss, then with grief struck. Thus, denigrating his father and his enemies, the cunning fox rubs himself in the confidence of Nobel, and for the promise to reveal the location of the treasure to the king and queen, he receives a pardon.

Reineke says that the treasure is buried in the desert in Flanders, but, unfortunately, he himself can not specify the place, because his duty now is to go to Rome and receive absolution from the pope. By order of the king, the fox sewn a knapsack of a piece of brown bear skin and gave out two spare pairs of boots, ripping the skin off the paws of Izegrim and his wife. And Reyneka embarks on the road. On the road, he was escorted by the hare of Lampa and the ram Balin. First the fox pilgrim goes to his house to please his family, that he is alive and well. Leaving the ram in the yard and luring the hare into the house, Reineke with his wife and children eats Lampa. His head he puts in a knapsack and sends along with Ballin to the king, having deceived the poor animal, that there is his message, which must be immediately delivered to the court.

The king, realizing that Reineke again deceived him, decides to oppose him with all the bestial power. But first he sets a feast in honor of the victims through the fault of the fox Brown, Izegrim and his wife. At the royal feast, the rebels, who were offended by Reineke, gather again: a rabbit with a torn ear, barely carried its feet away from the fox, a raven with whom the rogue ate his wife.

The badger nephew decides to get ahead of the king’s army and warn Reineke of the impending danger that he managed to escape with his family. But the fox did not get scared, he went again to court to protect himself from unfair accusations.

All the blame for the murdered Lamppe Reineke dumps on a sheep, which, in addition, he said, did not give the king and the queen from him magnificent gifts – an invaluable ring and a crest with an unusual mirror. But Nobel does not believe the words of the crafty fox, then the monkey intercedes for him, saying that if Reineke was not clean, would he have come to court? In addition, the monkey reminds the king that the fox always helped him with his wise advice. Did not he decide the entangled lawsuit of a man with a snake.

Having called a council, the king allows the fox to try again to justify himself. Reineke pretends to be himself deceived by the hare of Lamp and the sheep Bellin. They stole all his wealth, and now he does not know where to look for them. “So word by word invented Reineka’s fables.” They all hung their ears… “

Realizing that the words do not outsmart the fox, Izegrim calls him to a duel. But here Reyneke is smarter. He rubs his body before the fight with fat, and during the bout every now and then releases his caustic liquid and pours the wolf into the eyes with sand. With difficulty, but the fox wins Izegrima. The king, convinced of the correctness of Reineka, appoints him chancellor of the state and hands over the state seal.



