(born 1933)
Roshchin Mikhail Mikhailovich (born 1933), writer and playwright.
He was born on February 10 in Kazan. Childhood years passed in Sevastopol.
After the war he lived in Moscow, worked in the industry, was engaged in journalism. From 1952 he began to publish. He graduated from the correspondence department of the Literary Institute. M. Gorky in 1958. The first collection of novels and short stories “In a small town” was published in 1956. The second collection appeared only in 1965 – “Any twenty minutes”.
Widespread fame was the dramatic work of Roshchin. The plays Valentin and Valentina (1971), the comedy Old New Year (1973), Echelon (1975), Repair (1975), Hurry Doing Good (1979), etc. were in the repertoires of many metropolitan and provincial theaters.
Roshchin constantly works as a prose writer – “Stories from the Road” (1981), “South Branch” (1982) and as a playwright – play “Twin” (1984).
The last book Roshchin called it “Block 1993 – 1994” – “… collected all sorts of things (notes, diary pages, etc.), what is the writer’s everyday work…”. M. Roshchin lives and works in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.