Biography Gershuni Vladimir Lvovich
(18.03.1930 – 19.09.1994)
Gershuni Vladimir Lvovich (18.03.1930, Moscow – September 19, 1994, Moscow). Nephew of the leader of the militant organization of the Socialist Revolutionaries, GA Gershuni (1870-1908). He spent his childhood in an orphanage. During his studies at the institute he was arrested for taking part in the youth anti-Stalin group. Condemned by the Special Meeting on Art. 58 Criminal Code of the RSFSR for 10 years of camps. The term served in Steplag, where he met A. Solzhenitsyn (later assisted him in the work on the “Gulag Archipelago”). Released in 1955.
He turned in literary circles, where he became acquainted with the authors of samizdat and future dissidents (G. Pomerants, A. Jacobson).
In December 1965 took part in the “public meeting” in defense of the arrested writers A. Sinyavsky and J. Daniel.
In 1969 he signed a number of human rights documents, including supporting the first letter of the Initiative Group for the Protection of Human Rights in the USSR (20.05.1969).
10/18/1969 Mr. G. was arrested. Accused under art. 190-1 Criminal Code of the RSFSR. In Butyrskaya prison 55 days hunger strike, timed to the Day of human rights protection (from 08.12.1970 to 31.01.1971). Psychiatric examination at the Institute. Serbian was found insane. The decision of the Moscow City Court of 13.03.1970 is aimed at compulsory treatment in a special psychiatric hospital. Contained in the Oryol SPB (Orel) (December 1970 – April 1974). He was subjected to artificial feeding and medicamentous effects: injections of aminazine and haloperidol. Phenomenal memory allowed G. to record a lot of information about doctors and other political prisoners Orel special psychical hospital, this information he managed to inform P. Grigorenko during a random meeting at the Institute. Serbian (published in the “Chronicle of Current Events” (issue 19)). Then he was transferred to a psychiatric hospital No. 13 (Moscow), where in October 1974 he was discharged. He worked at a fat factory, in construction organizations, as a watchman.
Participated in the work of the youth literary club “Sunday”, led by V. Abramkin. In 1976-1982 he published under the pseudonym V. Lvov more than 200 materials in Moscow newspapers and magazines (articles and notes on folklore, linguistics, bibliology, witticisms and puns).
From the beginning of 1978 he participated in the collection of materials for the samizdat literary and journalistic magazine “Searches”, from No. 3 (October 1978) was included in his editorial board. He led a literary section in the journal, put his avant-garde poems and journalism.
Since 1978 – member of the Free Trade Union of Workers (SMOT), in 1980-1982 – member of the editorial board of the newsletter SMOT. In July 1981 he joined the Soviet section of the organization “Amnesty International”.
He was constantly subjected to extrajudicial persecution (house arrests, interrogations, preventive talks). For the time of the Moscow Olympics (July-August 1980) was placed in a psychiatric hospital.
The third time he was arrested on June 17, 1982. He was charged under art. 190-1 Criminal Code of the RSFSR, it was incriminated to participate in the publication of the newsletter SMOT. The Moscow City Court sent a resolution to the special psychiatric hospital on April 12, Contained in a special psychiatric hospital in Blagoveshchensk, then in Talgar, Alma-Ata region (until December 1987).
After liberation, he was engaged in restoring the memory of forgotten and repressed writers and poets. He was a regular employee of the newspaper “Express Chronicle”, participated in the literary life of Moscow, was engaged in linguistics (he prepared the anthology “Russian Math”).
He was buried at Vostryakovskoe cemetery.
Papovyan EM
The materials of the journal UFO