Biography of Thomas Brown

Sir Thomas Brown is an English author and physician, was born in London.

He received an education at Oxford University and abroad. In 1671 he was knighted by Charles II.

His work, The Religion of a Doctor, in which Brown attempted to reconcile science and religion, was written around 1635. After being transferred to the manuscript, the work was first published in an unauthorized publication in 1642, and then an authorized publication in 1643 followed.

Inspired by the discovery of funeral urns near Norwich, he wrote “Hydriotaphia: Urn Burial”, a solemn reflection on death and immortality. In this work, Thomas Brown expressed faith in the futility of things here on earth.

The work “Hydriotaphia: Urn Burial” was published together with the work “Garden of Cyrus” and was more optimistic. The work “Garden of Cyrus” is devoted to the study of mystical symbols of the number five.

In the biography of Sir Thomas Brown, the author’s philosophy is now mainly of historical interest. The high quality of his faith and, especially, of his ways of expression make him one of the most outstanding figures in the history of English literature. His other famous works are “The Pseudoscience of Superstitions”, better known as “Vulgar Errors”, and “Christian Teachings”.



