Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Biography
Fedor Ivanovich Tiutchev is a Russian lyricist who developed the traditions of philosophical poetry. In his work, the setting for intellectual contemplation was combined with the passionate experience of the pictures depicted, and thought and feeling were refracted through the prism of a late romantic worldview.
Life of F. Tyutchev in dates and facts
December 5, 1803 – was born in the village of Ovstug Orel province in a noble family.
In 1810 the Tyutchevs moved to Moscow. For the home education of young Fedor the poet S. Raich was invited as a teacher, paying special attention to the development of his literary abilities.
In 1818 the poem of the 14-year-old Tyutchev “The Grandee was read in the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, after which the young poet became a member of this literary association.
1819-1821 – The period of study at Moscow University, during which Tyutchev communicated with prominent writers of this time, including with VF Odoevsky and SP Shevyrev. Like many of his acquaintances, the poet at this time was fascinated by German philosophy and literature, which left a deep imprint on his spiritual and creative development.
In 1821, at the end of the university with a degree of candidate of verbal sciences, 18-year-old Tyutchev was admitted to the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs. The following year he went to Munich, as an employee of the Russian diplomatic mission. On the whole, the poet spent 22 years in the diplomatic service abroad. Despite his extraordinary abilities, extraordinary education and recognition in German cultural circles, he never did a diplomatic career. His attempts to build family well-being were not successful either: a year after the death of his first wife E. Peterson, with whom he lived for 12 years, Tyutchev married E. Dernberg, but this marriage did not bring him happiness either. In Germany, he became friends with the romantic poet Heine and philosopher FW Schelling. Free from the service and social life Tyutchev devoted to writing poems, which, however, did not aspire to transfer to the press. Only at the insistence of friends, some of his works fell into the hands of Pushkin, who published them in 1836 in his Sovremennik under the general title “Poems sent from Germany” and signed “FT”. Nevertheless, for the broad reader circles the author remained for a long time unknown.
In 1843 the poet returned to Russia.
In the 1850s. there was a rapprochement with E. Denisyeva. Their relations acquired a scandalous resonance in the highest world. But the young woman neglected secular conventions and sacrificed her reputation for the sake of love for the poet. The history of this love-filled tragedy served as the basis for the so-called “Denisiev cycle” of Tiutchev’s poetry.
1850 – N. A. Nekrasov published in the “Contemporary” enthusiastic article about Tyutchev, thereby acting as the discoverer of the “forgotten” poet. This article attracted the attention of the general public to Tiutchev’s work.
1854 – Tyutchev’s collection “Poems” was published.
In 1858 Tyutchev was appointed chairman of the Committee of Foreign Censorship and remained in office until the end of his days. The activities of the Committee he directed were aimed at liberalizing the strict rules of censorship and reducing the list of prohibited books.
In the years 1864-1865. Tiutchev survived the death of the closest people, including E. Denisyeva, whose loss was perceived as a severe blow to fate.
July 15, 1873 – the poet died.