What was the Ukrainian city in the second half of the 19th century?
From the second half of the 19th century. In the life and way of life of the population of Ukraine, serious changes have taken place. The most notable of these changes were in large cities, which were increasingly exposed to European influence. In the cities there are entire neighborhoods, built-up multi-story apartment buildings, public buildings or cultural buildings – theaters, libraries, hospitals, etc. Streets begin to illuminate with electric lights. The number of cities where the water pipe is laid has increased. It was then that they began to create city parks and boulevards. In the construction began to actively use new technologies and inventions, in particular the method of welding of metal structures, new materials – concrete and reinforced concrete. So, the architect Vladislav Gorodetsky built a house in Kiev, where even the decorations were made of concrete. European innovations came to Kiev or Odessa simultaneously with Vienna or St. Petersburg. The shops offered clothing and perfumery to Parisians from cities, wines from Italy, sewing machines from Germany, watches from Switzerland… European fashion was also consistent with the clothes of the townspeople. However, the life of Ukrainian cities retained national elements. Embroidery in city dwellings decorated napkins, tablecloths, curtains. Decorated her and clothes.
These features were determined for the most part by the lives of wealthy citizens. Urban workers settled either in the suburbs, or in poor, cheap neighborhoods, the sign of which was poverty and filth. Poor families often rented a small closet, furniture which consisted of a single bed, a chest, a table and a few chairs. The clothes of the poor townspeople were cheap, often self-made.
Changes in the way of life of peasants were not as noticeable as in the city, because the daily life of the village was determined by traditions. Wealthy peasants increasingly built brick houses, covering them with a plate or tiles. Fabrics of factory production gradually displaced the self-made clothes in clothes and household furniture.