Cities on the old waterways of trade in the North-West of Russia

1. What, in your opinion, are the old cities different from the new ones? What are their features?

At first glance, the old cities differ only in architecture and layout, they preserve ancient buildings, there are historical monuments, and therefore, a powerful potential for the development of tourism. However, in all the ancient cities there is also a special psychological mood, determined by the mentality of their inhabitants. They are characterized by a high level of culture, solidarity and pride in the great past of their inhabitants.

2. Why does the Northwest have so many ancient cities in its composition?

Far from going into the depths of the land, the Gulf of Finland, a network of numerous rivers and large lakes created favorable conditions for the appearance of trade routes. On these roads there were cities. They grew up, they grew rich. Various historical events led to the front positions, then some other settlements. Having lost their leading position, the cities did not disappear physically, but continued to exist and develop, so there are so many ancient cities in the Northwest.

3. Make a geographical route, including a visit to historical and cultural monuments of the North-West. What are the interesting objects you selected?

Famous tourist centers are Veliky Novgorod, Pskov, Staraya Russa and Staraya Ladoga. In addition to them, the Russians love the Pushkinskiye Gory Reserve, Velikie Luki, Pechory, Izborsk, which are located in the Pskov Region. In the Pushkin Reserve, the places associated with the stay of Alexander Sergeevich in 1822: the literary and memorial museums in the village of. Mikhailovskoye and Trigorskoye, the grave of the poet in the Svyatogorsk monastery. The regional center of Pechora originated in the 16th century. as a posad near the Pskov-Pechora Monastery – the most important outpost on the western borders of Russia. Izborsk is one of the oldest Russian cities, known since 862 as the residence of the legendary Prince Truvor, brother of Rurik, although it originated much earlier as a fortified settlement of the Slavic krivich. In Velikie Luki, the earthen ramparts of the former fortress, up to 20 m in height, on the eastern wall – monuments of military glory. Novgorod land with amazingly beautiful lakes of the Valdai Upland is the birthplace of artist VA Tropinin, composer SV Rakhmaninov, geographer and ethnographer NN Miklukho-Maklay.

4. What functions do you think are the most promising for the ancient cities of the North-West: industrial, recreational, adjacent territories or any other services?

In countries entering the era of post-industrial society, recreational functions become increasingly important. Not all cities have monuments of history and architecture that could attract tourists. Ancient cities are saturated with such objects. And if the settlement does not have unique stocks of any raw materials, does not concentrate administrative functions or developed unique production facilities, the most profitable strategy for it will be the development of tourism.



