Taiga in Eurasia

The natural zone of the taiga, or coniferous forests, occupies large areas in the north of the temperate zone. The summer here is quite warm, precipitation falls 300-600 mm. This is quite enough for the growth of trees. Since the zone of the taiga is full of permafrost, water can not infiltrate into the lower layers of the soil, so there are many swamps here. As in North America, the soils of the taiga in Europe are infertile podzolic soils, and in the Asian part they are frozen-taiga soils. The vegetation of the European taiga is dominated by pine and spruce, although in some places birch and aspen are mixed. In the Asian taiga, the main tree is larch.

Larch throws pine needles for winter, it is very unpretentious to soils, does not rot in water, can withstand frost to -65 ° С, and heat above +30 ° С. In addition to larch, Siberian cedar and fir grow, in the undergrowth – Ledum, juniper, bilberry.

The fauna of the taiga is quite rich. Here there are valuable fur-bearing animals: ermine, squirrel, marten, sable, weasel. From hoofed live moose, spotted deer. Of the birds are known grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse, nutcracker, woodpecker. Among the predators are a wolf, fox, lynx. Omnivorous is the brown bear, which is much smaller than the American grizzly. Remnants of food of wolves and bears, as well as carrion eat up the wolverine. In the taiga, far away from the Amur River, there is an occasional Amur tiger.

Taiga is a logging zone. The natural zone of the European North, Siberia and the Far East has suffered greatly because of the development of minerals.



