Transport and communication in medieval Europe

Medieval people – knights, merchants, artisans, monks, pilgrims – was in constant motion. They moved slowly enough, because then the vehicles did not develop a great speed. There were three types of transport: land,

Strengthening of royal power in medieval France

In 987, after the death of King Louis V of Lazy, the rule of the Carolingian dynasty ceased. The rulers of the duchies and counties elected a new king. He became a representative of

The city in the Middle Ages. Description

The city was located so that it was convenient to surround it with a protective wall, but that the environment should serve as protection for it. The first medieval cities were surrounded by an

Life and leisure of citizens in medieval Europe. Burgers

In the life of the urban lower classes, the features of peasant life and customs were preserved. Another thing – the life of rich burghers. The burghers increasingly preferred comfort and luxury, but did

Perception of the world by a medieval man

The perception of the world by a medieval man was significantly different from ours. The man did not feel himself to be a citizen of the universe, he lacked the nearest environment, and everything

Germany in the 14th-15th centuries

Germany XIV-XV centuries. was distinguished by rapid development of cities, crafts and trade. This was facilitated by the favorable location of the country – at the crossroads of international trade routes. At the beginning

The Frankish state of the Carolingians. Education

After the death of Pepin of Geristalsky, his sons began a rivalry for power. Defeated by his illegitimate son Karl, the Mayor of 715. He had to face a serious external danger. From the

The feat of Joan of Arc

In 1359, John II, who was brought to London, Dobry signed a difficult peace treaty for France, according to which almost half of the country was transferred to Edward III, and for himself undertook

Reconquista and the formation of the Spanish kingdom

At the beginning of the VIII century. almost the entire Iberian peninsula – the birthplace of the Spaniards and Portuguese – conquered the Arabs. Conquerors oppressed Christians, but at the same time acquainted them

Medieval Kingdom

The process of origin and formation of medieval states was long and difficult. Its origins come from the period of the disintegration of the tribal system among the Germanic tribes. In those days, the
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