“Master of his craft” composition

Education can do a lot… VG Belinsky Every morning when I go to school, I pass “dear greetings” when all the children I meet greet and smile back at me. I know that in

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

One man had two sons. And the younger of them said unto the father, “Father, give me the portion of the estate that I have laid.” And the father shared his estate with them.

People in white coats

The profession of a doctor is a feat. A. P. Chekhov There are two professions in the world, without which humanity, perhaps, can not do: it is a teacher and a doctor. They are

Composition on the theme “Language and Culture”

There is no word that would be so zamashisto, briskly, so it would burst out from under the heart, so it would boil and quiver like a well-spoken Russian word. Every day, without hesitation,

Composition “Value of friendship”

One of the basic spiritual needs of a person is communication. Communication with someone you can trust, who always understands and supports, on whom you can rely in any life situation. This is exactly

What does it mean to be a good daughter?

To become a good daughter, you need to do very little work. Just try not to upset your parents, to bring them less suffering and unrest. How to achieve this? First, you must always

How I helped my mother

By father’s birthday, I offered my mother to cook something special, something he had never tried. Mom gladly agreed, and we began to leaf through the cookbooks with different recipes. There was so much

Composition on the picture of VM Vasnetsov “Alenushka”

On one of the large stones, at the very edge of the forest pond, a barefoot girl sits, kneeling down on her knees. Her braids disintegrated, and her hair falls on her knees with

Letter to the class teacher

A thank-you note is a written expression of gratitude, usually addressed to a specific person. This document is issued on the letterhead of the organization or on a special printed form, which is sold

What is a face

The verb’s face in Russian is the inflectional grammatical category of verbs expressing the correlation of the action called the verb to the speech participants. That is, the face of the verb indicates who
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