Biography Pisarev Dmitry Ivanovich

(1840 – 1868) Pisarev Dmitry Ivanovich (1840 – 1868), critic, publicist. Born October 2 (14 N. p.) In the village of Znamenskoe Orel province in a poor noble family. Childhood years passed in the

Biography Anderson Sparky

Sparks Anderson is an American baseball manager, was born in Bridgewater, South Dakota. In the biography of Sparky Anderson, one season in 1959 was held as an indoor field player for the Philadelphia Phillies

Biography of Stephen Segal

Actor Stephen Sigal is known for his roles in action films, as, for example, the hit 1998 “In a Siege.” He studied martial arts in Asia and opened an academy in the United States.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Biography

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is a Russian novelist, thinker and publicist, who in his work raised the most important problems of spiritual life and extended the boundaries of the realistic image of man. Dostoevsky focused

Biography of Karl Marx

Karl Heinrich Marx is an economist, philosopher, political journalist. Born May 5, 1818 in Trier, Prussia. Education in the biography of Marx was received at the Gymnasium of Trier. After its termination in 1835,

Mark Twain’s biography

Mark Twain is an American writer, public figure. Born in Florida, Missouri on November 30, 1835. The first literary works, small articles, in the biography of Mark Twain were written after 1847. Then after

Biography of M. Knight Shyamalan

M. Night Shyamalan – film director, was born on August 6, 1970 in Pondicherry, India. Biography Shyamalana is best known as the story of the screenwriter, the director of the film “The Sixth Sense.”

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Biography

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the founder of Russian classical literature, who developed the vast majority of its genres, created a standard literary language, opened the variety of themes, human characters, artistic styles, and, ultimately,

Biography Sollogub Vladimir Alexandrovich

(1813 – 1882) Sollogub Vladimir Alexandrovich, Count (1813 – 1882), writer. He was born on August 8 (20th century) in St. Petersburg in a noble aristocratic family. He received a wonderful home education, whose

Henry Ford Biography

Henry Ford is one of America’s foremost industrialists, radically changing the principle of the assembly line of automobiles. In 1908 Henry Ford created the Ford Model T car and after that continued to improve
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