O light and brightly decorated Russian land! Many beauties you deprive: many lakes, you divide by rivers and sources of local people, the mountains are steep, the hills are high, the oak forests are frequent, the fields are marvelous, the beasts are different, the birds are countless, great cities, marvelous villages, honest noblemen, the Russian land, O faithful Christian faith!
From here to the Hungarians, and to the Poles, and to the Czechs, from the Czechs to the Yotvingians, from the Yotvingians to the Lithuanians and to the Germans, from the Germans to the Karelians, from the Korela to Ustyug, where the Tomsk citizens live, and beyond the Breathable Sea, from the sea to the Bulgarians, from the Burtas to the Burtas, from the Burtases to the Cheremis, from the Cheremis to the Mordvins, everything was conquered by the godless people of the Christian country: the Grand Duke Vsevolod, his father Yuri, the Prince of Kiev, and his grandfather Vladimir Monomakh, whom the Cumans of their children frightened in the cradle. And the Litva from the swamp did not appear in the light. And the Hungarians fortified the stone cities with an iron gate so that the great Vladimir would not go to war with them. And the Germans rejoiced that they were far beyond the blue sea. Burtas, Cheremis, Veda and Mordva bortnichali to the prince of the great Vladimir. And Manuel of Manuel of Constantinople himself, having fear, and then sent great gifts to him,
And in those years – the trouble for Christians from the great Yaroslav and to Vladimir, and to the present Yaroslav, and to his brother Yuri, Prince Vladimir.
“The word about the destruction of the Russian land after the death of the Grand Duke Yaroslav” is an excerpt from a work that has not reached us before about the fate of Rus. The initial fragment was preserved due to the fact that the Pskov scribe in the middle of the XV century. used part of the “Word” as a preface to one of the lists of “The Life of Alexander Nevsky.” In the last lines of the monument sounds grief over the “trouble for Christians” after the death of Yaroslav the Wise. Probably, the last part of the “Word” that did not reach us told about the “death” of North-Eastern Russia from the Tatar-Mongol invasion. The “ruin” appeared to the author as a consequence of princely strife and wars from Yaroslav the Wise (died in 1054) before Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (died in 1246). “Word”, apparently was written in Vladimir between 1238 and 1246 years.