The story “The Fate of Man” Sholokhov devoted to the editor of the publishing house “Moscow Worker” Eugenia Levitskaya. They met in 1928, when Sholokhov brought to the publishing house a manuscript of the “Quiet Don”. Levitskaya was delighted with the novel and helped to ensure that the first two books of the “Quiet Don” were printed. Since then, their friendship began.
For the first time the story “The Fate of Man” was published in the newspaper Pravda at the turn of 1956-1957 (December 31 and January 2). Soon he was read by the All-Union Radio famous actor of those years S. Lukyanov. The story shocked millions of people. Sholokhov wrote this story in a very short time: in just a few days.
However, his creative history takes many years: between a random meeting with the man who became the prototype of Andrei Sokolov, and the appearance of the “Destiny of Man” ten years passed. The story realistically deepened the great literary tradition and opened up new prospects for the artistic embodiment of the theme of the war. If in the late 40’s – early 50’s works dedicated to the feat of the people in the war were a rare exception, then in the second half of the 50’s interest in this topic is becoming more and more active.
It must be assumed that Sholokhov turned to wartime events not only because the impression of meeting with the driver, deeply perturbed by him and gave an almost ready plot, was not effaced. The main and decisive was the other: the last war was such an event in the life of mankind that without taking into account its lessons, none of the most important problems of the modern world could be comprehended and solved.
The story of the story is the story of a person