The economy of Eastern Siberia

What are the main branches of specialization in Eastern Siberia? What conditions determined their development?

The main branches of specialization in Eastern Siberia can be determined using Table 2 of the textbook application. These are metallurgy, electric power and timber industry. The first two branches are interrelated. The development of metallurgy has determined the huge hydropower potential of the region, which enabled the development of energy-intensive aluminum production. The development of the forest industry is also not surprising for the territory, most of which is covered by virgin forests.

In the north of Eastern Siberia around the city of Norilsk, an industrial district was formed. What reasons contributed to its development? Which industries are developing here? On the materials of the periodical press, describe the present state of the industrial region.

To answer such questions, we recommend using the online encyclopedia “My City”, where you can find information about almost all Russian cities. Specially Norilsk devoted to the site “Norilsk Chronicles, which, in addition to the characteristics of Norilsk and surrounding cities, many beautiful photographs. We give information from this site. However, there may be errors on such sites. Some of them you can easily notice.

A brief description of

Located on the peninsula of Taimyr, 300 km north of the Arctic Circle, in the forest-tundra zone, on permafrost rocks, near the river. Norilsk and Norilsk mountains, in 1,5 thousand km by air and in 2 thousand km by water from Krasnoyarsk.

Norilsk is one of the five northernmost cities in the world.

Norilsk is connected by rail and road with the cities of Talnakh, Kayerkan and the port of Dudinka. Airport Alykel.

The climate is subarctic, sharply continental. For most of the year, the average monthly air temperatures are negative. Only July and August are frost-free. The peculiarity of winter is the combination of low temperatures and strong heavy wind. In December and January – a polar night, in May-June – a polar day. The whole period of twilight, white and sunny nights lasts six months.

Historical essay

Local ores were known to the inhabitants of Mangazeya.

In the 1860’s. in the vicinity of modern Norilsk, Dudin merchants Sotnikov built a shaft furnace where smelted copper was smelted.

Since 1919, geological studies of the area under the guidance of a geologist

N. N. Urvantseva. The first house of the future Norilsk was built by geologists in 1921.

In 1935 a decision was made to build the Norilsk Combine. Since 1939, Norilsk is a working village. The city – since 1953.

In the years 1935-1955. The main workforce was the prisoners of the Norillagh and released from it. Among the past camps:

N. N. Urvantsev, chemist academician A. A. Balandin, writers E. Ya. Drabkina, D. N. Kugultinov, actor GS Zhzhenov, and others.

In 1942, the plant issued the first tons of nickel.


Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine produces nickel, copper, cobalt, selenium and other metals, in precious metals – gold, silver, platinum, palladium, iridium, etc. Metal processing, chemical, food and other enterprises are located in the city.

Hydroelectric power station on the rivers Khantayka and Kureika.

Do you think it is more profitable for Eastern Siberia to cooperate with Europe or the Asia-Pacific region?

The East Siberian economic region stands out in Russia almost twice the excess of the export of goods over the import.

Forest and lumber, iron ore, non-ferrous metals, etc. are exported from the region. Machines and equipment, oil, food, and consumer goods are imported. The closest links with the region are only with Western Siberia. But in the long term, cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region may prove economically profitable. Using the railway through Harbin or through Ulaanbaatar, you can quickly find yourself on the coast of the Japanese or Yellow Sea.

The economy of Eastern Siberia