Peninsula Arabia, an area of 3 million square meters. km, has long been populated by Arabs. The main territory of Arabia consists of deserts, semi-deserts and dry steppes. And only small plots of land are suitable for cultivation. Natural conditions have caused the division of Arabia into several regions, and its population – to sedentary farmers and nomadic herders.
The most developed was the south-western region of Yemen. Here in the I millennium BC. e. cultivated land, grown barley, grapes, fruit trees, date palms, built cities. Yemen was also famous for the production of weapons, leather processing, gold mining. He was an intermediary in the trade of the Mediterranean countries with India and Ethiopia.
A significant area in the center of the Arabian Peninsula was occupied by the practically neglected plateau of Najd. Here lived nomadic cattlemen – Bedouins. They grazed in the steppes of a herd of camels, flocks of sheep and goats.
A long strip of the peninsula of Hejaz stretches along the Red Sea. Agriculture here could be practiced only in individual oases.
Through the Hijaz, a caravan route from Yemen to Syria passed. On this path arose the city: Mecca, Yasrib, Taif. The largest was Mecca, whose population was engaged in trade. Rich inhabitants of the city bought up foreign goods and equipped caravans, sending them twice a year to Syria and Yemen. The merchant caravan often consisted of 300 camels.
For four months fairs took place in Mecca, where Bedouins traded cattle for the products of urban artisans and agricultural products. For the time of the fair in Mecca and its environs peace was proclaimed, quarrels and armed clashes were forbidden. In the middle of the V century. Mecca was conquered by the nomad tribe of the Quraysh, which began to rule in this city. From the Quraysh the council was the oldest, and Mecca did not have a single ruler.
The Arabian Peninsula and its population