Summary “Thirteenth feat of Hercules” by Iskander

Mathematician Kharlampi Diogenovich differed noticeably from his slovenly colleagues. With his appearance in the class, strict discipline was established. The lessons were so quiet that the principal could not believe that the students were in their places, and not at the stadium. Silence reigned as soon as the teacher entered the class, and lasted until the end of the lesson. Sometimes you could hear laughter. Kharlampy Diogenovich allowed himself to joke, and the boys cheerfully laugh. For example, he could give the greatest respect to the late pupil, giving him the way to the class and calling him after the Prince of Wales. The teacher never cursed, did not call parents to school. On the control guys did not write off, because they knew that Harlampi Diogenovich immediately recognizes such work and ridicules the negligent student. He did not escape the fate of being ridiculous to the whole class and the narrator.

Once he could not solve the problem in any way. Not having done his homework, he came to school. Making sure that the other guys did not agree with the answer, the boy ran to play football. Just before the beginning of the lesson, he learned that the honors pupil Sakharov coped with the assignment. And the neighbor also had a solution to Adolf Komarov’s neighbor. The narrator froze in anticipation of being asked exactly by him. The doctor and the nurse looked in. They were looking for the fifth “A” class to vaccinate. The boy, out of fear, volunteered to show where this class was located and the teacher gave him permission. Along the way, he learns that they are planning to vaccinate their class at the next lesson and informs doctors that the class will go to the museum. Having run into the class before the doctor, the narrator saw that Shurik Avdeenko was solving the problem at the board, but he could not explain the decision.

The doctors, having returned, informed that the children needed to be vaccinated and the teacher allowed them to take a lesson. The first to inoculate was Avdeyenko. He did it without fear, because the vaccine saved him from a possible deuce. Adolf Komarov was pale. A neighbor on the desk consoled him, but it did not work. From the injection Alik became even paler, and the doctor had to give him ammonia. The narrator was proud of Alik in that he did not feel the injection, although it was not true. The doctors are gone.

A little time remained until the end of the lesson. Kharlampy Diogenovich began in his reverie a story about the twelve exploits of Hercules and about a certain young man who decided his thirteenth feat to correct Greek mythology. The teacher said that this feat was made out of cowardice, but for what it was done, he asked to explain the narrator by calling him to the blackboard. Harlampi Diogenovich asked the boy to tell him how he had solved his homework. The student tried to drag out time, but he looked more ridiculous and funnier. Since then, the boy has become more serious about doing homework. Reasoning, he came to the conclusion that the worst thing is that a person ceases to be afraid of being ridiculous. It can bring on him misfortune. Haughty Roman emperors did not see on time, as in fact they are ridiculous, that’s why the great empire died.



