Summary “Photography, which I do not have” Astafyev

The book “Last Bow” by Soviet writer Viktor Astafyev is a story in stories that is of a national character, consisting of compassion, conscience, duty and beauty. The story involves many heroes, but the main ones are the grandmother and her grandson. The orphan boy Vitya lives with her grandmother Katerina Petrovna, who became the generalized image of all Russian grandmothers, the embodiment of love, kindness, care, morality and warmth. And at the same time she was a strict and sometimes even harsh woman. Sometimes she could poke fun at her grandson, but she was very fond of him and cared about him unlimitedly.

Values ​​inculcated in childhood

True friendship is the most precious and very rare reward for a person, Astafyev thought. “Photography, which I do not have” – ​​a story in which the writer wanted to show how the hero treats his friends. For the author, this was important. After all, friendship is sometimes stronger than kinship.

The story “A photograph on which I am not present” is presented as a separate part in the story “The Last Bow”. In it, the author depicted all the exciting moments of his childhood. To make a story analysis, you need to read the summary.

“A photograph that I do not have”: a story

The plot tells that one day a photographer came to the village from the city to photograph the pupils of the school. The children immediately began to think about how and where to stand. They decided that diligent horoshisty should sit on the foreground, those who study satisfactorily – in the middle, and the bad ones should be put behind.

Vitka and his crony friend Sanka, in theory, had to stand behind, since they did not differ in diligent studies and, even more so, in behavior. To prove to everyone that they are absolutely abnormal people, the boys in the snow went to ride from such a cliff, from which no normal person would ever become. As a result, sprawled in the snow, they wandered home. The payment for such fervor did not take long, and in the evening Vitka’s legs ached.

Grandmother independently gave him the diagnosis of “rematiznosti.” The boy could not stand on his feet, howling and moaning with pain. Katerina Petrovna was very angry with her grandson and lamented: “She told you, do not stand still!” However, she immediately went for medicines.

Though granny grumbles at her grandson, and mimics him, but treats him with great tenderness and strong affection. After giving him a crack, she takes a long time rubbing the grandson of her foot with ammonia. Katerina Petrovna deeply sympathizes with him, since he is an orphan: his mother fatal accidentally drowned in the river, and his father already formed another family in the city.


This was the beginning of the summary. “The photo that I do not have” as a literary work tells that because of his illness, boy Vitya still misses one of the most important events – photographing with the class. He is very sorry about this, my grandmother, in the meantime, comforts his grandson and says that as soon as he recovers, they will go to the city to the “best” photographer Volkov himself, and he will take any pictures, at least for a portrait, even for a “passport”, at least on the “Eroplane”, even on a horse, though on anything.

And here comes the most important moment the plot. The summary (“The photo on which I do not exist”) describes that Vitka Sanka’s friend comes for a friend in the morning and sees that he can not stand on his feet, and then he immediately decides not to take photos too. Sanka acts as a true friend, who does not want to upset Vitka even more and therefore misses this event. Even in spite of the fact that Sanka was preparing and putting on a new quilted jacket, he begins to reassure Vitka that the photographer has not come to them for the last time, and next time they will get into the frame.

“A photo that I do not have”: review and analysis

Although the friendship of village boys is considered here at a very childish level, this episode will affect the development of the personality of the hero. In the future it will be very important: not only grandmother’s upbringing and caring influenced his attitude to the world around him, but also good relations with friends.

The work “A photograph that I do not have” is opened by the image of true Russian grandmothers, as they lived in their villages, they kept their own households, decorated and insulated their windows with moss, because it “sucks in moisture”, put coal in order not to frost glass, and rowan was hanged from fumes. The window was judged by which mistress lives in the house.


Vitya did not go to school for more than a week. One day a teacher came to them and brought a photograph. Katerina Petrovna met him with great cordiality and hospitality, she talked kindly, gave her tea and set on the table the treats that can be found in the village: “cowberry”, “lampas” (candies in a tin can), city gingerbread and drying.

The teacher in their village was the most respected person, because he taught the children literacy, and also helped the local residents to write the necessary letters and documents. For such benevolence people helped him with wood, milk, look after the child, and grandmother Ekaterina Petrovna spoke to his baby’s navel.


Here, perhaps, you can finish the short content. “A photo that I do not have” is a small story that helps the reader understand the images of the main characters as much as possible, see their moral souls, priorities and values.

In addition, we understand how important a photograph is for these people, because it constitutes a kind of chronicle and a wall history of the Russian people. And no matter how ridiculous, sometimes ridiculous and pompous these old photographs were, there is still no desire to laugh at them, you just want to smile, because you understand that many of the posed fell in the war, defending their land.

Astafiev writes that the house in which his school was located and against which the photograph was taken was built by his great-grandfather, dekulakized by the Bolsheviks. The families of the dekulakized at that time were expelled directly to the street, but relatives did not allow them to perish, and they settled in other people’s houses.

Astafyev tried to write about all this in his work. “Photography, which I do not have” – ​​this is a small episode from the life of the writer and all simple, but truly great people.

Summary “Photography, which I do not have” Astafyev