Summary of the story “Garnet Bracelet” by AI Kuprin

The main heroine of the story – Vera Nikolayevna Sheina, the wife of the nobility leader – had a pleasant time with Anna’s sister’s company at her seaside dacha, waiting for the imminent holiday. On the name day, not many guests gathered, all good friends and relatives. One event knocked Shane out of the rut: a woman received as a gift a pomegranate bracelet sent by mail to a certain anonymous person, who fell in love with the Faith before her marriage, and for eight years has been sending her letters with modest confessions.

The husband of the Faith, Vasily Lvovich, was alarmed by his jokes with his wife. Excited, she quickly joined Anna’s conversation and one of the guests, the old general Yakov Mikhailovich, who talked about love and told fascinating stories from life. Vera found this conversation very interesting and instructive. She seemed to re-discover what true love is.

Meanwhile, Vera’s brother Nikolai, a friend of the prosecutor, is furious with the behavior of a mysterious anonym. Using his connections, Nicholas finds a mysterious “GS S. Zh.”, Which turns out to be a small clerk Zheltkov. Nikolai demands that he stop all communication with Vera. Zheltkov agrees, but begs for an opportunity to send the woman a final letter. In it, he wants his beloved peace and happiness, and also asks in memory of him to listen to Beethoven’s second sonata. Then Zheltkov commits suicide, which Vera learns from the newspapers. Faith with tears in her eyes listens to “Appassionata” and realizes that the true love that every woman dreams of has passed by her.

Summary of the story “Garnet Bracelet” by AI Kuprin