Summary of the novel by IA Goncharov “Oblomov”

The main character, Ilya Ilich Oblomov, lies in one of the big houses on Gorokhovaya Street in his room on the couch. He has a bad mood – yesterday he received from the village a letter from the elder who complains about the drought and crop failure, therefore reduces the amount of money sent to the master. The need to write an answer causes Ilya Ilyich to worry, so he can not decide to get out of the sofa all morning. At first he wants to get up, wash and do things, but then thinks that he will have time to do it after tea. Having finished with tea, Oblomov is still lying on the couch for a while, then, having reconsidered, decides again carefully to read the letter of the elder. Oblomov calls his servant Zakhar and orders him to find a letter. He is looking for him and does not find it. Ilya Ilyich chastises the servant for laziness and untidiness. In fact, Zahar was slovenly and lazy, did not miss the opportunity to appropriate a ten-kopeck coin or a nickle lying on the table,

“forgot” to give change from purchases, liked to drink and gossip about his master. At the same time, the servant was deeply devoted to Oblomov. “He would not have thought of burning or drowning for him, not counting it a feat worthy of surprise or some awards.” They have known each other since childhood and have lived together for a long time, without representing any other existence.

Finally Oblomov gets up to wash himself. At this time, Zahar brings the lord unpaid bills from the butcher, the greengrocer, from the bread shop and from the laundress, and also reports that the manager demands that Oblomov move out of the apartment.

Then the visitors go to Ilya Ilyich: Volkov; Sudbinsky, with whom Oblomov served as a clerk; the writer Penkin; Alekseev; Tarantyev. They all tell him about their life, about the latest news, they call for May Day celebrations in Ekateringof, but he refuses. To guests Oblomov complains about the village headman and the circumstance that he is forced to vacate the apartment because of repairs. But no one listens to him, since everyone is busy with their

own affairs.

Ilya Ilyich with a sigh says: “If only Stoltz came quickly! .. He would have settled this matter.” Andrei Ivanovich Stolz – the only person who was “after the heart” Oblomov. He alone loved him and trusted him alone. They grew up together, studied together. At the moment Stolz was away, but Ilya Ilyich was waiting for him an hour for an hour.

Oblomov now lives in St. Petersburg for the twelfth year. Once he dreamed of useful work, but all attempts to turn to business ended in complete failure. In the department he served for only two years, burdened by monotony, then sent an important paper instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk. Fearing that he would have to bear responsibility, Oblomov went home, sending a medical certificate of illness, and then resigned.

With women, Ilya Ilyich does not communicate, confining himself to “worship from a distance, at a respectful distance,” because this entails unnecessary trouble. “His soul was still pure and virgin, she may have waited for her love, her time, her pathetic passion, and then, over the years, she seems to have ceased to wait and despaired.”

After the departure of guests Oblomov sits down for a letter to the manager to explain about the apartment he occupies. Unfinished letters, he throws it. Zahar reminds of unpaid bills. Oblomov scolded him, then decides to take up bills the next day.

The doctor comes and after the inspection reports that from constant lying and fatty food, Ilya Ilyich in two or three years can die from a stroke, and to avoid this, he recommends that he go abroad. From such news the hero is horrified. After the departure of Dr. Oblomov, thinking about his “troubles”, falls asleep, and he dreams a dream. He sees himself as a seven-year-old boy. Nanny waits for him to awaken, dresses and leads him to his mother. His mother showered him with passionate kisses, then they prayed with the little Elijah before the images. After the prayer they go together to their father, and then to tea. Over the tea, an elderly aunt is already sitting, three elderly girls are distant relatives of Ilya’s father, a neighbor of the Oblomovs, a landowner Chekmenev, and some old men and old women. All showered the boy with caresses and praise, fed with rolls, crunches and cream. After tea, her mother let Ilya walk and severely punished the nanny not to leave the child alone. The old man Oblomov sat all day and watched what was happening in the courtyard. His wife consulted with the tailor for a long time in the morning, how to change from her husband’s sweatshirt to Ilya’s jacket, then asked every girl how much she weaved for a day of lace, walked around the garden. The day in the estate ran in petty worries and empty conversations.

Then Ilya Ilyich saw himself as a boy of thirteen-fourteen. He studied with the manager of the neighboring estate of the Upper Left German Stolz, who hosted a small boarding school for noble children. While in the hostel there were three pupils: Ilya, Stolz’s son – Andrey and another boy who almost never studied and suffered scrofula.

Every Monday I felt a melancholy for little Ilya, on that day he was taken to study to the German. My mother tried to gild the pill – they did not know what to feed the boy, they let him take pickles, cookies, various delicacies. It was believed that Stolz poorly fed.

Ilya studied haphazardly, as his parents often had pretexts not to let him go to the board: because of the approaching holidays, because of the arrival of guests, and it happened that the mother herself found her son unhealthy and left him at home.

Then Oblomov sees himself in Stolz. Zahar in the morning helps a fourteen-year-old teenage get dressed and reminds him what to do in a day.

At half-past four Zakhar awakens Oblomov. Andrei Ivanovich Stolz arrived.

Stolz was half German, by father, and his mother was Russian. His father, Ivan Bogdanovich, served as a manager in the village of Verhlev. Here, little Andryusha grew up and was brought up. From the age of eight he was sitting with his father on a map, reading Herder, Viland. He fought with neighbor’s boys and often spent half a day at home. Once disappeared for a whole week, after which he was found quietly asleep in his bed, under which they found someone’s gun and a pound of gunpowder and shot. Father only asked if Andrei was ready to translate Corneille Nepos into German. When he found out that the translation was not ready, he dragged Andrey by the scruff of the neck into the yard, gave a kick, saying: “Go where you came from, and come again with a translation, instead of one, two chapters, and your mother learn a role from the French comedy that she asked: without it, do not show yourself! ” The boy returned a week later with a ready translation and a learned role. Mother did not really like this labor, practical education. She looked at the German nation as a crowd of pathetic philistines and was afraid that her son would become a burgher like his father.

By the time Andrei returned home after completing his studies at the university, his mother had already died, and his father, three months after his arrival, decided that his son had nothing more to do in Upper Lev. After giving him a hundred rubles, he sends him to Petersburg through Moscow. “You are well educated: before you all careers are open, you can serve, trade, at least compose, – I do not know what you will choose.” Andrew wants to succeed in everything.

Stolz is the same age as Oblomov. At present he is over thirty years old. He served, retired, made a house and money. Participates in a company that sends goods abroad.

Ilya Ilyich complains to a friend about life. Describes the doctor’s visit and his diagnosis, the turmoil in the estate, the fact that he is forced to move out of the apartment.

Stolz advises Oblomov to change his way of life, to go to the village and deal with the affairs on the spot. Then he reproaches Oblomov for his inaction and a recumbent lifestyle, he calls with him to the light, promises to introduce Olga Ilyinskaya, whom he sympathizes with. Andrei Ivanovich soon must leave for Paris and before his departure he takes Oblomov’s promise that he will come to him abroad. But a few months have already passed, Stolz has been in Paris for a long time, and Oblomov has come up with various excuses, just not to go. The reason for this is Olga Ilyinskaya, whom Stoltz introduced to Ilya Ilyich before his departure. Oblomov falls in love, and his way of life is completely different. He takes a dacha in the neighborhood of the Ilinskim, walks in a perfectly tailored dapper coat and hat, reads, walks with Olga, who feels completely free with him. Among other things, Stolz asked her to “stir” Oblomov. Ilya admits to Olga in love, but the next morning after his confession, he begins to be tormented by various doubts. He writes to the girl in a letter that her love is not a real feeling, but only her need to love. In addition, he says that they will not see him again, since he is leaving for the city. After a while, repentance comes, he asks Olga for forgiveness, they make up. Oblomov wants to marry her. he asks Olga for forgiveness, they make up. Oblomov wants to marry her. he asks Olga for forgiveness, they make up. Oblomov wants to marry her.

Ilya Ilyich comes to Tarantyev, demanding money for an apartment in which he did not live, but where his things were taken three months ago.

Oblomov suggests Olga to tell her aunt about their intentions. The girl responds that first he must deal with the apartment, sign a power of attorney in the Chamber to manage the estate, go to Oblomovka to prepare everything for moving there after the wedding, and only then talk about the whole aunt. The hero tries to find money, in order to pay a penalty for the apartment, but it does not work, and he is forced to move away from it. With Olga they communicate less and less. The dandies began to visit the house of the Ilinskys, against which Oblomov was completely lost. He and Olga visit the theater several times, but he does not like society, and he prefers to stay at home.

The mistress of the house where Oblomov now lives – the widow Agafya Matveyevna Pshenitsyna – takes care of him, and he feels free, with pleasure talking to her at every opportunity. Meetings with Olga, he avoids in every way, fearing that they will be declared a bride and groom for all. Ilinsky is waiting for him, dreaming of family happiness, wants to go with him to the village. She herself is to him and asks him to explain his behavior.

A few days later Oblomov received a letter from the village informing him that the estate was in very poor condition, and in order to receive money from the sale of bread, the master must himself be present in the estate. Therefore, the wedding can take place not earlier than a year. Oblomov is at a loss – he does not understand anything in economic matters, so he asks for help from his brother, mistress Ivan Matveyevich. He agrees to help and proposes to write out a power of attorney for the management of a certain Isaiah Fomich Zatertom, a “most honest man.” Oblomov tells Olga about this on a date. The girl is surprised that Oblomov has appointed to manage the estate of a stranger. They decide to part with Oblomov. Coming home, Oblomov gets sick with fever.

Since the illness of the protagonist a year has passed. Attorney Zasterty sent money from the village, obtained for the sale of bread, and reported in a letter that he could not collect the quitrent. But Oblomov was pleased and sent the amount of money – so he did not want to go himself.

Suddenly Stolz arrives, who reports that after the break with Oblomov, Olga went abroad, and by autumn is going to her village. Ilya Ilyich boasts to Andrei Ivanovich how he arranged his affairs, to which he exclaims that he is robbed around, and decides to take up Oblomov’s affairs.

The next day, Tarantyev and Ivan Matveyevich at the liquor store are worried that Stolz destroyed the power of attorney to conduct business Zatertym, and he himself took Oblomov’s estate for rent and can find out that in reality the quitrent was collected, and the money of Tarantyev, Ivan Matveyevich and Zaterty divided among themselves.

Being abroad, Stolz accidentally met in Paris, Olga and her aunt, marveling at the changes that occurred in Olga, which from the girl turned into a mature man. Six months he communicates with them, and then falls in love with Olga. At first the girl saw in him only a friend, but “often in front of her eyes, against her power, the image of this other love shone and the seductive, seductive grew the dream of luxurious happiness, not with Oblomov, or lazy slumber, but in the broad arena of a comprehensive life, with all its depth, with all the charms and sorrows – happiness with Stolz… “

Stolz admits to her in her feelings. Soon they got married.

Two years later, Stolz came to Oblomov and was amazed at the situation prevailing in his house. Cutlery was with broken cuttings, lunch was meager, Oblomov himself met him dressed in an old patched robe. Stoltz demanded an explanation of where the money that he sends as income from Oblomov goes. From the hostess Agafia Matveyevna, he learns that she signed some loan at the request of his brother. It turned out that the brother of the mistress accused Oblomov of leading an “unworthy” way of life with his sister and forced to write a receipt that he allegedly borrowed ten thousand from him. Since then, all the money from Oblomovka falls into the pocket of Ivan Matveyevich and Tarantyev. Stolz comes. Andrei demands from Pshenitsyna a receipt that she does not owe anything to Oblomov. Pshenitsyna signs the required papers. Then the general, a friend of Stolz,

Stolz recently only visited St. Petersburg several times. They live with Olga in their own home in Odessa very happily.

Oblomov still lives with Pshenitsyna. Stoltz comes back to him again, taking the last attempt to take Ilya Ilyich away, but he again refuses, admitting that the mistress is his wife, and her younger child is his son, who was named after Stolz by Andrey.

It takes another five years. Agafia Matveyevna’s house is run by other people. Oblomov died three years ago. Stolz and Olga took on the education of his young son. The income from Oblomovka Pshenitsyn refused to receive, telling Stolz that he would leave this money to Andryusha.

Once Stolz, walking along the street with his literary friend, saw Zahar in the crowd of beggars. He told me that Ivan Matveyevich was again in charge of Pshenitsyn’s house. He banished Zakhar, calling him a parasite. The old man tried several times to enter the service, but he was persecuted from everywhere. Stoltz gave him money and invited him to his house – to look at Andryusha, the son of Oblomov. The writer is wondering who this beggar was, and Stolz tells him the story of the servant Zakhar and the master Oblomov.

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Summary of the novel by IA Goncharov “Oblomov”