The myths of ancient Greece describe events that occur according to the will of the gods. Heroes of myths are a product of gods and mortal women. They manifested themselves in exploits, destroyed mythical monsters, waged internecine wars. At the walls of the city of Ilium began the great Trojan War, and all the heroes burdened by the Earth, killed each other.
The city of Asia Minor “Ilion”, also called “Troy”, was located on the shore of the Dardanelles. That is why the Greek poem about the great war is called the “Iliad”. Blind singer Homer was one of the first to write a poem about the Trojan War, before being passed on in the legends of the people from mouth to mouth. The war, which lasted nine years, gathered under its banner many great warriors: the ruler of the city of Argos – one of the strongest kings of Agamemnon with his brother Menelaus – for the sake of his brother the war began, the quick-tempered Diomedes, the great Ajax, the cunning Odysseus, the wise old Nestor, the son of the sea goddess Thetis – the most brave warrior Achilles with his friend Patroclus. At the head of the Trojans was the wise king Priam, his army was led by Hector and his brother Paris, because of which the war began. They were assisted by numerous Asian allies. The supreme god Zeus watched the battles,
The Trojan War took place after the wedding of the sea goddess Thetis and mortal Peleus, the goddess of discord threw a golden apple for the most “most beautiful”. Apple wanted to get Hera, Aphrodite and Athena. Trojan prince Paris was instructed to resolve the dispute of the three goddesses. Paris did not want to become the king of the whole world – at the suggestion of Hera and the sage and hero – at the suggestion of Athena. He decided to become the husband of the most beautiful woman and gave the apple to Aphrodite. By his decision, Paris made Athena and Hera the worst enemies of Troy. As promised by Aphrodite, the wife of Paris was the beautiful Helen, the daughter of Zeus, the wife of King Menelaus. Once Elena from all the famous suitors of Greece chose Menelaus. Now all the former suitors led by Menelaus unleashed a war against Paris, the new elect of the “most beautiful.” Only Achilles took part in the battle for the sake of valor and glory. Sarpedon, the last of the sons of Zeus, together with Hector, led the Trojans. Greek ships under threat of burning. Hera wants to help the Greeks, distracts Zeus, dressed in the magical belt of Aphrodite, causing passion. At the top of Ida, Zeus, flaming with love, connects with the Hero, emaciated with passion falling asleep. That short time, while Zeus slept the Greeks gave rebuff to the Trojans. Hera is afraid of Zeus’s anger, but he assures her: “Be able to endure: everything will be your way, and the Greeks will defeat the Trojans, but not before Achilles pacifies anger and goes into battle: so I promised the goddess Thetis.” At the top of Ida, Zeus, flaming with love, connects with the Hero, emaciated with passion falling asleep. That short time, while Zeus slept the Greeks gave rebuff to the Trojans. Hera is afraid of Zeus’s anger, but he assures her: “Be able to endure: everything will be your way, and the Greeks will defeat the Trojans, but not before Achilles pacifies anger and goes into battle: so I promised the goddess Thetis.” At the top of Ida, Zeus, flaming with love, connects with the Hero, emaciated with passion falling asleep. That short time, while Zeus slept the Greeks gave rebuff to the Trojans. Hera is afraid of Zeus’s anger, but he assures her: “Be able to endure: everything will be your way, and the Greeks will defeat the Trojans, but not before Achilles pacifies anger and goes into battle: so I promised the goddess Thetis.”
Instead of Achilles, in his armor in the chariot, his friend Patroclus goes into battle. Achill asks him to save the ships from the Trojans, but not to pursue them. The Trojans, having decided that Achilles was moving on them, rushed to the run, and Patrocles rushed after him, despite the friend’s warning. The son of Zeus, Sarpedon moved towards him. Zeus wants to help his son, but Hera does not allow him to intervene. Sarpedon falls, Patroclus rushes to the gate of Troy, Achilles yells: “Away!”, But he does not hear. Apollo, turning a cloud, knocking down the hero, Hector finishes unarmed Patroclus. Dying, he promises that Achilles will avenge him.
Бездыханное тело унесли друзья, Гектор нарядился в доспехи Ахилла, греки бегут от троянцев. Ахилл рвется в бой, но бессилен без доспехов, он так кричит от отчаяния так, что враги содрогнулись и отступили. Ночью он оплакивает друга. Мать Ахилла, Фетида, просит хромого бога – кузнеца Гефеста выковать сыну божественные доспехи: панцирь, шлем, поножи и щит с изображением всего мира. Утром, облачившись в доспехи, Ахилл собирает соратников. Он предлагает перемирие своему бывшему врагу Агамемнону и тот соглашается. Ахилл хочет отомстить Гектору за погибшего друга. В четвертой битве с позволения Зевса принимают участие боги: Афина сражается с Аресом, Гера с лучницей Артемидой. Посейдон, сойдясь с Аполлоном, решают что не стоит им воевать из-за людей. Ахилл пытается убить Энея, но его спасают боги. Эней еще переживет их всех. В гневе, Ахилл убивает троянцев, сбрасывая трупы в реку. Речной бог Скамндр, возмущенный, нападает на Ахилла, которого спасает Гефест. Ахилл преследует Гектора, который увлекая за собой, пытался спасти других. Зевс все еще хочет помочь Гектору, но Афина говорит ему: “Пусть свершится судьба”.
Zeus recalls Apollo and asks Athena to detain Hector. Achilles and Hector converge in battle. Hector asks not to touch his body if he wins, but Achilles angrily replies that he will tear him to Patroclus and drink his blood. The armor of Hephaestus restrains the blows of Hector, and he perishes at the hands of Achilles. But first Hector throws out the words that Achilles will also die. The winner tied the dead Hector to the chariot and chased the horses around Troy. Over the body of the dead friend Patroclus, twelve Trojans are killed, having arranged a magnificent funeral. The rage of Achilles does not cease, Hector’s body is dragged three times a day around the Patroclus mound. If it were not for Apollo, who protected Hector’s body, nothing would remain of the corpse. Zeus decides to intervene. He pacifies Achilles, ordering him to take a ransom and give the body to Hector’s parents for burial. King Priam with ransom under the cover of night comes to the Greek camp. Priam on his knees begs to pity him and sympathize with his father’s grief. He reminded Achilles of Pellet’s father, and the heart of an angry warrior thawed. Accepting the gifts, he returns the body of Hector and promises to not prey on the Trojans before the funeral. The scene of the burial of the sons of Troy ended with the Iliad.
This is not the end of the Trojan War. The Trojans came to the aid of the peoples of Asia Minor. The leader of the Ethiopians, Memnon, was the most terrible, Achilles and he overcame, and then went to Troy. He was overtaken by the arrow of Paris directed by Apollo. Having lost Achilles, the Greeks did not despair, they went to the trick. A wooden horse was brought into the city, the Greeks were sitting inside. They destroyed Troy and returned back. This story will be described in detail by Virgil in the poem “Aeneid”.