Summary of “Tamir and Selim”

Tamir and Selim. Otd. ed. St. Petersburg. 1750. Written on the “verbal decree” of Elizabeth, who ordered “the professors Trediakovsky and Lomonosov to compose according to the tragedy.” The report of the “one-third of the May” 1750 Lomonosov pointed out that “the tragedy began to compose”, and in the next report mentions that finished “Tamir and Selim” in November (PSS. T. 10. S. 382-384). December 1, 1750 tragedy was played Cadets Gentry Infantry Corps and repeated 9 January 1751 The fictional “exotic plot” – a campaign “Bagdati prince” against the Crimean Khan and the vicissitudes of love – is combined with the poetic treatment of episodes of Russian history (see G. Moses. on the question of the sources of the tragedy M. V. Lomonosova “Tamira and Selim” Literary creativity Lomonosov M.; L. -. 1962, p 253-257). 1380 Mumet king Crimean sent in aid Mamai, Tatar king, his son Narsima with troops and secretly promised in marriage to the daughter of Tamir. At this time, Selim, Prince of Baghdad, cleared the Black Sea of ​​pirates, besieged the city of Kafu, where Moomet is. The Crimean Tsar asked Selim for a truce in the hope of waiting for his son to return from the Mamaev campaign. The action takes place on the first day of the truce, in the Cafe (Theodosia), in the royal house. Tamira appears with her mother Cleona. Tamira recalls how Selim admired her the day before, prancing on the horse in front of the regiments, and sent Cleon to look from the walls to the army. While the mother is walking, the princess utters a monologue about her love for the enemy. Cleone brings news that the Baghdad army departs from the walls. Tamira admits to her in love with Selim, hatred for Mamai, fear for his brother. Mumet enters and tells his daughter that a truce has been concluded with Selim. Mamay, as Mumet is sure, must defeat Prince Dimitri and soon return with Narsima; so the Crimean king informs about the engagement of Tamira with Mamai. The princess complains to Cleone; she at first advises her to submit to her parents’ will, and then – to open herself in all the virtuous Nadir, the brother of Moumet.



