Summary of “Behind the Glass”

At the age of 60 the Sorbonne was crowded with crowds of students. Then, reluctantly, the university announced that not everyone will be able to continue their education in Paris. The philological faculty took a difficult decision for him: to send the lion’s share of students to the deserted Nanterre. In 1964, when the faculty building was not yet finished construction work, classes began. All the events of the novel take one day – March 22, 1968. The fictional characters of the book live side by side with real people – Dean Grappen, his assistant Boe, leader among the students, Daniel Cohn-Benite.
At six in the morning, Abdelaziz wakes up, shivering from the cold and peering into the darkness of the morning. Sometimes he asks himself: “Abdelaziz, what are you doing here?” “Construction, mud, rain, mortal anguish.” Are you sure that you did not miscalculate? Is it better: the sun without grub or grub and cold? “
An hour later, Lucy the Minstrel wakes up. He does not stay in bed: today he is to enter the second semester, which will be crucial for her. Before breakfast, he thoroughly washed and five minutes boxing with his reflection. He asks himself why he does not lead a pod. After all, all have already – there, drag them to their dorm. Having finished breakfast and having thrown a fleeting glance at the construction site outside the window, he begins his lessons: he needs to translate to the end the translation into Latin and read Jean-Jacques to speak at the seminar. The sluggard Bushyut, of course, is still basking in bed.
David Schultz is twenty one years old, he is completing the second course of the sociology faculty and head of the anarchist society. Waking up at eight in the morning, he gloomily looks at his little room. He and his girlfriend Brigitte hardly diverge in an inconspicuous corridor. All the girls who meet with the guys become dependent on them. Brigitte is no different from them – she is also afraid, no matter how neighbors hear, how he occasionally raises her voice. David is disgusted to look at himself in the mirror: here it is, a fat belly of marmot-fed mamma. And why do these women consider him attractive? Brigitte understands anguishly that all these conversations about equality of the sexes are an empty sound.
At nine o’clock, Assistant Delmon walks their corners in the corner, waiting for the head of the department to break free. Earlier. Again I have to humble myself before this jerk to stay in the number of full-time teacher. There are a lot of people who want to get a job. For example, this nasty Marie-Paul Lagardeut. It’s worth keeping an ear on her: she knows how to cajole this scoundrel.
At eleven o’clock, the Minstrel, sitting in the library, stares stupidly at the test in Old French. His beloved mother again did not send him money, but there are no scholarships: a real cash-strapped catastrophe can happen. The only chance to avoid the imminent is to get a nanny to two absolutely intolerable boys. The Minstrel Boy does not know if he can get them fixed. Of course, you want to eat, but even more – recognition. At the same time, David Schultz watches Abdelaziz, a young construction worker from Algeria. He pours the terrace with tar. Between the young people – a thick glass of the aquarium reading room.
One o’clock. Deniz Fargeau, like a small and skinny boy, at a table in a student café listens attentively to his interlocutor. Communist Jaume rants about politics, but Denise’s thoughts go far beyond the affairs of the topic of the conversation: she considers the beautiful features of Zhome. He is already very ancient – he is no less than twenty-five. How wonderful it would be to spend a summer vacation with him in Scotland. Žomé, barely able to finish educating Denise, immediately ceases to notice her existence. They are joined by Jacqueline Cavaillon and are accepted to flirt with Gome. He almost does not pay attention to it. Now he is busy: when he has time, mu is not difficult to pick up a young “parishioner.”
Three PM. The boss summons Abdelaziz and two other builders. The construction is coming to an end, the work is getting smaller and smaller, and they do not need so many workers anymore. There is a reduction. The chief prefers to give the young, strong guy the duties of the old man Moktar, but Abdelaziz refuses, saving Moktar work. The second builder falls into a rage and rushes to the noble youth with a knife. Abdelaziz barely manages to block the blow. It remains only to seek help from that guy from the reading room. David helps the Algerian to rent a room in the hostel.
Sixteen hours in the evening. Delmond listens to the professors in the club earlier. He says that anarchic principles need to be eradicated: create a university police force that will monitor the order, and without further ado, exclude those who violate them. Finally, Delmon gets out of himself and runs out of the audience, almost knocking down earlier. Jacqueline Cavaillon decides to become like other girls, such as, for example, Zhome and the Minstrel. Joome has too much to do – she meets Lucien in her room.
At six o’clock in the evening Deniz Fargeau writes an essay. But after forty minutes of intense meditation he never squeezes out a line. He can not drive away the obsession – how to arrange for himself Zhome?
Eighteen thirty. At the University café, Professor Fremnikour calms down Delmon, saying that he needs to just forget that case with Earlier. He advises Delmon to turn to his scientific adviser to arrange an assistant directly to the Sorbonne. When you are persecuted by one university guru, you need to seek help from another. And the rebellious past can be beneficial for his future career.
Nineteen thirty. Students, radically tuned, storm the administration tower of the university. Their actions want to draw attention to the indifference of the law and the authorities, which conducts repression for repression. David listens to their inspired speeches. Schulz presents how Brigitte now sits behind textbooks with Abdelaziz, explaining to him mathematics. He decided to continue his primary education. Of course, David is not dependent on the prejudices of the bourgeoisie, he is a supporter of free relations, but thinks Brigitte is his girlfriend. All the students go crazy with the popular Dani Cohn-Bendit. Having seized a convenient minute, Deniz Fargeau is getting closer to Zhome. Professor N. desperately struggles for his life – a heart attack broke in his tower.
Ten o’clock. Professor N. is now in his small apartment, continuing to fight steadfastly against death. Jacqueline Cavaillon dreams of death, lying in bed. If the Minstrel did not show up, she would be poisoned with pills on the bedside table – then they’ll regret it! Both parents and the Minstrel. Lucien already doubts whether he should continue to deal with this girl. Why would he need extra problems? There are already so many of them, and besides, he is hungry. He did not manage to get a job as a nurse – their damned mother suddenly disappeared. Maybe ask Busuchta for a loan? No, do not. You can not get rid of this bug afterward. At Jacqueline, he immediately notices the tablets on the table. He makes a stupid reprimand to the little fool, and, seeing that she has cooked sandwiches, eats greedily. Jacqueline is overjoyed and sets the table for Lucien.
Paul the eleventh evening. David Schulz sits next to Brigitte. The girl is asleep. He thinks about his contradiction: first he reproaches her for being too respectable, and, repenting, a little frigid. But as soon as she pays attention to another, how he immediately becomes jealous. Still, one has to stick to one side.
An hour forty-five. Students exhausted from the occupied tower. Assessor God, Dean Gralpene, declares that the riot decided to rest a little. Professor N. this time wins death. Deniz Fargeau, overcoming shyness, suggests that Zhome should rest in Scotland.

Summary of “Behind the Glass”