Summary Goodbye, Gyulsary!

Ch. T. Aitmatov
Farewell, Gyulsary!
Last autumn, Tanabai came to the collective farm office, and the brigadier said to him: “We picked you a horse, a horse.” They are getting old, true, but for your work will come down. ” Tanabai saw the pacer, and his heart ached. “So I saw each other again and again,” he said to the old horse, which was worn out completely.
The first time he met with the pacer Gyulsary after the war. Having demobilized, Tanabai worked on the smithy, and then Choro, a longtime friend, persuaded to go to the mountains as a herdsman. There, for the first time, I saw a ballanous, round ball, like a kid’s one-and-a-half-year-old. “The former herdsman, Torgoy, said:” For this in earlier times, in the fights at the jump, the heads were laid. “
Autumn and winter passed. The meadows stood green-green, and above them white-white snow shone on the tops of the ridges. Bulan became a slender, strong stallion. Only one passion owned it – a passion for running. Then the time came when he learned to walk under the saddle so swiftly and smoothly that people gasped: “Put a bucket of water on it – and not drop a drop.” In that spring the star of the pacer and his master rose high. Old and young knew about them.
But there was no time for Tanabai to let anyone sit on his horse. Even that woman. In those May nights, the pacer began some nightlife. In the daytime he grazed the horses, courting mares, and at night, driving the collective farm herd into the hollow, the owner jumped on it to the house of Byubyuzhan. At dawn, they again rushed along the inconspicuous steppe paths to the horses that remained in the hollow.
Once there was a terrible night hurricane, and Gyulsary and the owner did not have time to go to the herd. And Tanabai’s wife rushed at night with her neighbors to help. The herd was found, kept in the hole. And Tanabai was not there. “Well, you,” the wife said quietly to the return of her prodigal husband: “The children will soon be adults, and you…” The
wife and neighbors left. And Tanabai fell to the ground. He lay face down, and his shoulders shook with sobs. He cried with shame and sorrow, he knew that he had lost the happiness that had fallen for the last time in his life. And the lark in the sky was chirping…
In the winter of that year, a new chairman appeared on the collective farm: Choro passed the case and lay in the hospital. The new chief wanted to go to Gyulsary himself.
When the horse was taken away, Tanabai went to the steppe, to the herd. I could not calm down. Osorotel herd. The soul was breathless.
But one morning Tanabai saw his pacer again in the herd. With a hanging scrap of halter, under the saddle. He escaped, therefore. Gyulsary was drawn to the herd, to the mares. He wanted to drive away rivals, take care of foals. Soon two grooms arrived from the village and took Gyulsary back. And when the pacer ran away for the third time, Tanabai was already angry: there would be no trouble. He began to dream restless, heavy dreams. And when they stopped at ail before the new nomad, he could not stand it, he rushed to the stable. And he saw what he was so afraid of: the horse stood motionless, a huge, large jug-sized, heavy inflamed swelling was hanging between the back legs. Lonely, emasculated.
In the autumn of that year, the fate of Tanabai Bekasova suddenly turned. Choro, who had now become a party organizer, gave him a party assignment: go to the shepherds.
In November, an early winter came. The suky uterus was severely shed from the body, the ridges protruded. And in the barns of collective farms – all under a whisk.
The time of lambing was approaching. The flocks began to move to the foothills, to the base camps. What Tanabai saw there, shocked him like a bolt from a clear day. He did not count on anything special, but he did not expect that the koshar stood with a rotten and fallen roof, with holes in the walls, without windows, without doors. Everywhere mismanagement, what kind of light did not see, there is practically no feed or litter. How can you?
They worked tirelessly. The most difficult thing was with the cleaning of the koshara and the cutting of the dog rose. Unless at the front so I had to work hard. And one night, coming out with a stretcher from the koshara, Tanabai heard how he noticed a lamb in the enclosure. So it began.
Tanabai felt that a catastrophe was approaching. The first hundred females were bored. And the hungry cries of the lambs were already audible – the exhausted queens had no milk. Spring came with rain, fog and south. And the shepherd began to take out the blue corpses of the lambs for the koshar several times. In his soul rose a dark, terrible malice: why breed sheep, if we can not save? And Tanabai and his assistants could hardly stand on their feet. A hungry sheep already wool ate each other, not allowing suckers to come to you.
And then the captain was approached by the chiefs. One was Choro, the other was the district attorney Seghizbayev. This one and began to reproach Tanabai: the Communist, they say, and the lambs die. Pest, plans to rip off!
Tanabai grabbed a pitchfork in a fury… The aliens were barely carried away. And on the third day there was a bureau of the district party committee, and Tanabai was expelled from her ranks. He left the district committee – on the hinges of Gyulsary. Tanabai embraced the neck of the horse – only he complained about his misfortune… All this Tanabai remembered now, many years later, sitting by the fire. Nearby lay motionless Gyulsary – life left him. Tanabai was saying good-bye to the pacer, saying to him: “You were a great horse, Gyulsary.” You were my friend, Gyulsary, you are taking with you my best years, Gyulsary. ”
The morning came. On the edge of the ravine the embers of the fire were smoldering. A gray-haired old man stood beside him. And Gyulsary went to the heavenly herds.
Tanabai walked along the steppe. Tears streamed down my face, wet my beard. But he did not wipe them. Those were tears on the pacer Gyulsary.

Summary Goodbye, Gyulsary!