Summary And for more than a century the day lasts Aitmatov

Ch. T. Aitmatov
And more than a century lasts the day The
trains in these parts went from east to west and from west to east…
And on the sides of the railroad in these parts lay the great desert spaces – Sary-Ozeki, the Middle Lands of the yellow steppes. Yedigei worked here as a switchman at the Boranly-Burannyi exit. At midnight, his wife, Ukubala, made his way to the booth to report the death of Kazangap.
Thirty years ago, at the end of the forty-fourth, Edegei was demobilized after a concussion. The doctor said: in a year you will be healthy. But while physically he could not work. And then he and his wife decided to go to the railway: maybe there is a place for a front-line guard or guard. Casually met with Kazangap, got to talking, and he invited the young people to Burannyi. Of course, the place is heavy – solitude and waterlessness, around the sands. But everything is better than getting off without shelter.
When Yedigei saw the crossing, his heart fell: several houses stood on a deserted plane, and then on all sides – a steppe… He did not know then that he would spend the rest of his life on this place. Of these, thirty years – next to Kazangap. Kazangap helped them a lot at first, gave the camel on a pod, gave a camel from her, who was called Karanar. Their children grew up together. Became like family.
And they will have to bury Kazangap. Yedigei walked home after the shift, thought about the upcoming funeral, and suddenly felt that the ground under his feet shuddered. And he saw how far a rocket had risen in the steppe, where the Sarozek cosmodrome was located. That was an emergency departure in connection with an emergency incident at the joint Soviet-American space station “Paritet”. “Parity” did not react to the signals from the united control center – Obszenupra – for more than twelve hours. And then the ships from Sarah-Ozek and from Nevada, sent to clarify the situation, started urgently.
… Yedigei insisted on burying the deceased in the distant ancestral cemetery of Ana-Bayit. The cemetery had its own story. Tradition said that the Zhuanzhuans, who had captured Sary-Ozeki in past centuries, destroyed the memory of the prisoners with terrible torture: putting a piece of rawhide camel skin on their head. Drying under the sun, the slave squeezed the slave’s head like a steel hoop, and the unfortunate lost his mind, became a mankurt. Mankurt did not know who he was, from where, he did not remember his father and mother-in short, he did not realize himself as a man. He did not think about escape, did the most dirty, hard work and, like a dog, recognized only the owner.
A woman named Nyman-Ana found her son, turned into a mankurt. He grazed the cattle. I did not recognize her, I did not remember my name, my father’s name… “Remember your name,” the mother pleaded, “your name is Zholaman.”
While they were talking, the woman was noticed by the Zhuanzhuans. She managed to escape, but they told the shepherd that this woman came to strip off his head. (At these words the slave turned pale – there is no worse threat for mankurt). The boy was left with a bow and arrows.
Nyman-Ana returned to her son with the idea of ​​persuading him to flee. Looking around, looking…
The blow of the arrow was fatal. But when the mother began to fall from the camel, first her white handkerchief fell, turned into a bird and flew with a cry: “Remember, whose are you? Your father Donenbai!” The place where Naiman-Ana was buried was called the cemetery of Ana-Beyit – Mother’s rest…
Early in the morning everything was ready. The body of Kazangap, tightly wrapped in a dense nightmare, was placed in a trailed tractor cart. Thirty kilometers to one end, as much back and burial… Yedigei rode ahead on Karanar, pointing the way, a tractor with a trailer rolled behind him, and the excavator was closing the procession.
Various thoughts visited Yedigei along the way. I remembered the days when they were with Kazangap. They did all the work that needed to be done on the road. Now the young laugh: the old fools, their lives were ruined, for what? So, it was for what.
… During this time, a survey of “Parity” by the incoming cosmonauts was conducted. They found that the parity-cosmonauts serving the station had disappeared. Then they discovered the record left by the owners in the logbook. Its essence boiled down to the fact that workers working at the station had contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization – the inhabitants of the planet Lesnaya Che chest. Lesnogrudtsi invited earthlings to visit their planet, and they agreed, without informing anyone, including the leaders of the flight, as they feared that for political reasons they would be banned from visiting.
And now they reported that they were on Lesnaya Krupi, told about what they had seen (especially shocked by the earthlings, that there were no wars in the history of the hosts), and, most importantly, they conveyed the request of the forest goers to visit the Earth. For this, aliens, representatives of a technically much more developed civilization than the terrestrial, offered to create an interstellar station. The world still did not know about all this. Even the governments of the parties, informed of the disappearance of the astronauts, did not have information about the further development of events. They waited for the decision of the commission.
… And Yedigei in the meantime remembered one long history, which Kazangap reasoned wisely and honestly. In 1951, a family arrived – a husband, a wife and two boys. Abutalip Kuttybayev was the same age as Yedigei. In the Sarozek silly they did not come from a good life: Abutalip, having escaped from the German camp, was in 1943 among the Yugoslav guerrillas. He returned home without loss of rights, but then relations with Yugoslavia deteriorated, and after learning about his guerrilla past, he was asked to file a resignation at his own request. Asked in one place, in another… Many times moving from place to place, the Abutalip family was at the Boranly-Burannyi exit. Hardly like no one was imprisoned, and it seems that life has been stuck in Sarozek for a lifetime, And this life was beyond their power: the climate is heavy, deaf, isolated. Yedigei for some reason was most sorry for Zaripa. But all the same the Kuttybaev family was extremely friendly. Abutalip was a wonderful husband and father, and the children were passionately attached to their parents. They were helped in a new place, and gradually they began to take root. Abutalip now not only worked and worked at home, he not only worked with children, his and Yedigei, but he began to read – he was an educated person. He also began to write memories of Yugoslavia for children. This was known to everyone on the road. but he began to read – he was an educated man. He also began to write memories of Yugoslavia for children. This was known to everyone on the road. but he began to read – he was an educated man. He also began to write memories of Yugoslavia for children. This was known to everyone on the road.
By the end of the year, the inspector came, as usual. Between the case he asked about Abutalip. And after the time after his departure, on January 5, 1953, a passenger train stopped at Burannoy, where there was no stop, three came out of it – and arrested Abutalip. In the last days of February it became known that the defendant Kuttybaev had died.
The sons waited for Father’s return day in and day out. And Yedigei persistently thought about Zarip with an inner willingness to help her in everything. It was painful to pretend that he did not feel anything special to her! Once he said to her: “Why are you so exhausted? .. After all, with you all we (he wanted to say – I).”
Then, with the onset of the cold, Karanar again started furious – he started a rut. Yedigei had to go to work in the morning, and so he released the atan. The next day, news began to arrive: in one place Karanar scored two camel-males and repulsed four queens from the herd, in the other – drove the camel riding the owner. Then, with the Ak-Moynak crossing, they asked for a letter to pick up the atan, otherwise they would be shot. And when Yedigei returned home riding on Karanar, he learned that Zaripa and the children had left for good. He severely beat Karanar, quarreled with Kazangap, and then Kazangap advised him to bow at the feet of Ukubala and Zaripa, who saved him from trouble, saved him and their dignity.
That was the kind of person Kazangap, whom they were now going to bury. We drove – and suddenly came across an unexpected obstacle – on the fence of barbed wire. The soldier told them that he had no right to pass without a badge. The same was confirmed by the guard’s chief and added that in general Ana-Beyit cemetery is subject to liquidation, and in its place will be a new microdistrict. Persuasion did not lead to anything.
Kandagapa was buried near the cemetery, in the place where Naiman-Ana had a great cry.
… The Commission that discussed the proposal of the Forest Breast, meanwhile decided: not to allow the return of former parity-cosmonauts; to abandon the establishment of contacts with the Forest Thorn and to isolate the near-Earth space from a possible alien invasion by a hoop of missiles.
Yedigei ordered the funeral participants to go to the crossing, and he decided to return to the guard booth and get him to listen to the big bosses. He wanted these people to understand: you can not destroy the cemetery on which your ancestors lie. When there was very little left before the barrier, a bright flare of terrible fire flared up next to the sky. That took off the first military rocket-robot, designed to destroy any objects that have approached the globe. The second one rushed behind it, and more, and more… The rockets went off into the outer space to create a hoop around the Earth.
The sky fell on his head, opening in clubs of boiling flames and smoke… Yedigei and the camel and dog accompanying him, frenzied, ran away. The next day Burannyi Yedigei again went to the cosmodrome.

Summary And for more than a century the day lasts Aitmatov