To the south of the savannah in the lower reaches of the Paran and Uruguay rivers stretches the subtropical steppe, which in South America is called pampa. And in fact, this is a very level territory. The huge treeless steppe is so monotonous that the traveler has the impression that he is lost and is spinning in one place. The eastern and western parts of the pampa differ only in the amount of precipitation. There are fewer rains in the western part, and the pampa here is quite hot, there are places where there is absolutely no vegetation. In the east of the pampas there are more precipitation, and richer vegetation.
On the fertile reddish-black soils formed in a humid subtropical climate, grasses, feather grass, and wild millet predominate.
The animal world of the pampa is comparatively poor. Here, the humble camanas of guanaco feel good. There are several species of deer. I’m very much a rodent, a battleship, there are a pampas cat and gnat-like animal damage. Pampa is the wintering place for numerous North American birds, birds from the south are also posing here. In some places there are also pandas. The largest herbivorous pampas are the wild horses – mustangs, imported by the conquistadors in the 16th century.
Pampa has been greatly altered by human economic activity. The eastern part, more hydrated, is almost completely plowed up. Wheat is grown here. In the western, more arid areas are engaged in cattle breeding.
Steppes of South America