Why Exupery “Little Prince” is called a philosophical tale?
In the fairy tale there is a deep subtext that makes you perceive the read not as a fairy tale, but as a reflection on the real life and the person’s attitude towards it.
What is an allegory?
This is an allegorical image of objects, concepts. For example, the Little Prince represents an unlimited childhood, the purity of the soul.
Why does the tale act in the desert?
From the text it follows that the author found himself there because of an airplane crash. But the desert is also a place where the prophets have acquired great truths, as the pilot found them, far from the vain life.
What is the allegorical meaning of the fact that the Little Prince is shown traveling? What do the planets on which the little prince visited epitomize?
Each of them is the embodiment of some desire that has become a mania: a desire for power, a thirst for wealth, a predilection for alcohol, and so on.
What does the prince see on Earth? How is it different from other planets?
It contains in itself all: and businessmen, and geographers, and kings, and drunkards, and many others. All of them renounced their childhood, lost purity, naivete, the ability to disinterestedly love.
What does the rose represent in the tale?
Everything beautiful: beauty, love, something that needs our care and attention.
What changed in the pilot meeting with the Little Prince?
He comes back to those who understood how to live: one must love one’s land, one’s house, friends, be able to appreciate the main thing in life, not be frivolous, do not waste your life in empty and vain business, be responsible, trust your heart.