Painting by V. D. Polenov “Overgrown pond” is imbued with deep lyricism and a feeling of keen love for the native nature in all its artless beauty.
Who does not know the quiet uninhabited corners of old overgrown parks? Silence and peace are filled with a picture of Polenov. A remarkable artist uses all possible shades of green in the depiction of a deaf, mysterious park. The dark, almost black green of the shady corners turns into a gentle-green range of gilded sunrise tree tops in the distance.
And how puzzling is the pond overgrown with lilies and algae! It seems that in the evenings the fairy mermaids are chosen on the bridge and, having lowered the scaly tails into the water, they wait: will some passer-by get out to the pond from the depths of the park?
The shore of the pond, overgrown with thick soft grass and variegated flowers, is flooded with a bright sun. I want to take off my shoes and go barefoot on it.
In the depths of the park you can see a small light female figure. What kind of girl is this? What memories or reflections brings to her this abandoned corner of the park? Or maybe she is waiting for someone here? What a wonderful place the girl chose for recreation and reflection: everything here breathes peace, and only the elusive splashing of fish and the singing of birds gently intertwine into the tender silence of a summer day.
When you look at this beautiful corner of the secular shady park, which V. D. Polenov revealed to us, you feel the harmony of life, man’s love for nature, admiration for its beauty and grandeur.
What bliss in a hot summer day to sit on a bench under the dense canopy of old trees and admire the overgrown pond! Probably, such a state is experienced by a woman, pictured in the background of the picture of the great Russian painter Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov, “The Overgrown Pond.” This stranger is not the main figure of the picture at all, it can only be discerned in dense greenery only after careful consideration, nevertheless one wants to sit next to a bench in this paradise of nature and admire the beauty that the artist’s brush immortalized.
The path leads to this bench. Escaping from the coolness of the shady park, she escapes to the bridges over the water. This path and the bridges attract the eye. They emit light in the same way as the trunk of a poplar emits light, which approaches the very bridges. The light is pouring from the fringing pond and the path of herbs. The mirror of the pond reflects a thick dark green shadow that fell on the pond from the depths of the park, from where the path emerges. Against a background of dark reflections on the water, the wooden flooring of the bridge seems quite light. The abundance of light coming from the bridges, paths, grasses, thickets of reeds and foliage of trees, indicates that the day is in full swing, you realize that this is the top of the summer. This is indicated by the abundance of flowers in herbs; light emanates and wide leaves of water plants. Like lit candles, white flowers of water lilies froze on the pond. The reflection of a white cloud is dormant in the water. A very small piece of sky is visible in the upper left corner of the picture. But even without it it is clear that the clouds themselves are saturated with sunlight and shed a sunny rain on the ground.
Painting Polenov “Overgrown pond” was written in 1879. But it’s hard to believe that time and people destroyed this marvelous corner of nature. Or maybe it exists until now. In any case, however, the artist immortalized this pond, and this bridge and path. What is this woman thinking, sitting in the distance? Probably, there is peace in her soul, for it is the spectator who feels it. The sensation of the eternal overgrown pond prompted Polenov to take up the brush and create a masterpiece. At the same time, we know that the artist was fond of portrait painting. With rare observation and skill he portrayed animals. Polenov was a wonderful seascape, a wonderful decorator, a graphic artist. The son of wealthy and cultured parents, he grew up from childhood and developed in a family where the interests of art were in the first place. He had the rare gift of a vocalist, musician and composer.
Polenov “An overgrown pond” composition