The picture “Vitya Podpasok” (1951) is characterized by lyrical penetration, warmth, subtlety in the transmission of mood.
In the picture “Vitya-Podpasok” the gloomy autumn weather informs the artistic image of a touch of mild sadness.
AA Plastov wrote:
“It is necessary for a person to feel the everlasting, incredible beauty of the world every hour, every minute.” And when he understands this awesomeness, the thundering of being, everything will suffice for him at that time: both for a feat in work and for the defense of the Fatherland, for the love of children, for mankind for everything This is why painting exists. ” (From a letter in 1950)
“The breadth of horizons and the depth of understanding of reality and the meaning of life are the basis for the correct development of all the foundations of the sense of beauty that is inherent in us.” These words of Plastov can be set as an epigraph to his art.
The artist was born in the village of Prislonich.
Simbirsk province (now the Ulyanovsk region). He went to Moscow as a 19-year-old boy, overcome by his passion to become an artist. He managed to enter the Stroganov Art and Industrial School, and then go to the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. The Great October Socialist Revolution found Plastov a student of the school. He went to his native village. Here, Plastov, without parting with a brush and pencil, took a direct part in the formation of a new life.
In his village he remained until the end of his days. Such a close connection with the surrounding rural reality determined the style of his work. Villagers became the heroes of his paintings, the nature of Prislonichi inspired him to create works that were imbued with true poetry. Collected together, these canvases provide a multifaceted view of the life of the collective farm village, rural labor and everyday life.