In the village of Mikhailovskoye, a distance of many miles from Moscow and St. Petersburg, Pushkin was exiled for bold verses about freedom. There were no friends or relatives near him-only Arina Rodionovna’s kind nurse alone. On long winter evenings, the poet read to her his new poems and listened to the nannies of fairy tales and songs. He missed his friends and thought about meeting them…
And early in the morning on January 11, 1825 Pushkin was awakened by the sound of a bell outside the window. Barefoot, in one shirt he jumped out onto the porch and saw Ivan Lyudmila Pushchina running to him! Pushchin brought Pushkin the comedy “Woe from Wit” to Alexander Griboyedov. The artist captures the moment when friends read this beautiful work.
In the center of the room is depicted AS Pushkin. Leaning against the table, stretching his right hand forward, he expressively reads the Griboedov lines. Pushchin, sitting comfortably in the chair, listens attentively. It is felt that he is happy to see and hear a friend.
In the background of the picture we see the faithful nurse Arina Rodionovna with knitting in her hands. One can not help recalling Pushkin’s lines:
“And every minute the knitting needles in your wrinkled hands”. Nanny also listens to Pushkin, lovingly looks at him. The whole picture is imbued with a mood of peace and happiness.
Painting by N. N. Ge “Pushchin visiting Pushkin in Mikhailovskoye”