On the work of W. Shakespeare

As a playwright Shakespeare appeared, in all probability, in the late 1580’s, and by 1592 he had gained enough fame to become the target of critical attacks by fellow feuders.

Shakespeare’s work began with chronicles that represented the events of national history. The appeal to this genre allowed the playwright to develop a large-scale artistic and philosophical depiction of the relationship between rulers and the people, to outline the contradictions between politics and morality, to give a deep philosophical interpretation of the categories of history and time.

The next period of literary activity was marked by the appearance of a number of comedies. Early Shakespearean plays of this genre belonged to the type of “comedy of mistakes”, which has a carefree Renaissance laughter element and a conflict based on some amusing incident: error, misunderstanding, confusion. Subsequently, the playwright went on to create “serious”, “dramatic” or “problematic” comedies, in which various violations of order were not accidental or innocuous, and a successful ending did not mean achieving complete harmony. In plotting the plot of comedies, Shakespeare often used a love quadrilateral, each participant of which in the finale of the play gained his happiness.

A new stage in the creativity of the playwright was connected with the creation of tragedies, in which the hero’s attempt to break through into the world was depicted, and with it – the collapse of the Renaissance ideals, which demonstrated that the greatness of man was left in the past. Analyzing the inner world of the heroes of tragedies, Shakespeare focused on the critical states of their consciousness, the causes of their spiritual crises, the acute clashes of their individual will with the outside world. This approach allowed the artist to achieve the philosophical, social and psychological depth of the image.

The final period of Shakespeare’s work is represented by “romantic dramas” or tragicomedies, which represent a kind of fabulous afterword to the previously written tragedies: they repeat the tragic situation, but the happy ending of the denouement, which, however, becomes an unrealizable dream.



