The Slav myth of the creation of the world narrates that it all began with the God of the Kind. Before the white light was born, the world was enveloped in pitch darkness. In the darkness there was only the Rod – the Ancestor of all that exists. The genus was in the beginning enclosed in an egg, but Rod gave birth to Love – Lada, and by the power of Love destroyed the prison. So the creation of the world began. The world was filled with Love. At the beginning of the creation of the world He gave birth to the kingdom of heaven, and under him He created the heavens. The rainbow cut the umbilical cord, and separated the ocean from the heavenly waters with stone firmament. He erected three vaults in the heavens. Divided Light and Darkness. Then the god Rod gave birth to the Earth, and the Earth plunged into the dark abyss, into the Ocean. Out of His face, then the Sun appeared, the Moon from His breast, the stars of heaven from His eyes. Dawns clear appeared from the brow of the Rod, dark nights – from His thoughts, violent winds – from His breath, rain, snow and hail – from His tears. Rod’s voice became thunder with lightning. Born heaven for love and all the heaven. Rod – Father of the Gods, He – born of himself and born again, He – that was and what is to be, that was born and what will be born.
Rod gave birth to the heavenly Svarog and breathed into him his mighty spirit, and gave him the ability to look in all directions at the same time, so that nothing from him would not hide. Svarog paved the way to the Sun in the firmament, so that the horses’ days would rush through the sky, after the morning, the day would begin to burn, and the night would come to replace the day. Svarog draws attention to the absence of the Earth, hidden in the ocean, and turns with a command to get the Earth to a gray duck, spawned by ocean foam. First the duck did not appear a year, could not get the Earth, then again Svarog sent her for Earth, she did not appear for two years and again did not bring. For the third time Rod hit the duck with lightning and gave her unprecedented power, she was not three years old, and she brought in a beak in the beak of the earth. Stuck Svarog Earth – the winds blew the Earth from his palm, and it fell into the blue sea. The sun warmed her, the Earth was baked on top with a crust, cool it Luna. He approved in it three vaults – three subterranean kingdoms. And that the Earth did not go back to the Ocean, Rod gave birth to a powerful snake Yushu. So Svarog created the Earth, and the creation of the world continued.
Myths of the Slavs on the Creation of the World