Moral problems in the works of contemporary writers

Moral problems in the works of contemporary Russian writers. Our life, the life of our state, its history is complex and contradictory: it combines heroic and dramatic, creative and destructive, striving for freedom and tyranny. The general crisis, in the crooked was our country, led to an understanding of the need for radical restructuring in the field of economy and politics, education, science, culture, and the spiritual world of man.

The path of democracy, the path of reforms, the path to the restoration of human dignity has no alternative, but it is difficult, thorny, coupled with searches and contradictions, struggles and compromises.

A worthy life is not given from above and does not come by itself, without effort and effort. And only when every person lives and works by honor and conscience, the life of the whole country, the life of the whole people will become better, happier. Who can reach everyone’s soul? I took it clear: literature, art. It is therefore no accident that in the writings of a number of our writers, a new hero has already emerged long ago, thinking about the meaning of life and morality, looking for this meaning, which understands its responsibility in life. Thinking about the problems and vices of society, thinking about how to fix them, such a hero begins with himself. V. Astafyev wrote: “We must always start with ourselves, then you will reach the general, to the state, to the general human problems.” Today the problem of morality is becoming the leading one.

Many writers reflect on moral problems in their works: Ch. Aitmatov, F. Abramov, V. Astafyev, V. Rasputin, V. Belov and others.

About the causes of cruelty, immorality, selfishness and rejection of the good, kind, Leonid Soshnin reflects from the novel

V. Astafyev “The Sad Detective”. All his life, Soshnin is fighting against evil, which is embodied in specific people and their actions. Astafiev together with his hero want to understand the “truth about the nature of human evil,” to see “the most horrendous beast devouring himself, under the cover of thin human skin and fashionable garments,” the places where the beetles are maturing, grows stink and grows fangs. ” In the fight against criminals, the hero of the novel becomes an invalid. Now he is deprived of the opportunity to fight evil as a guardian of order. But he continues to reflect on the nature of evil and the causes that generate crime, and becomes a writer.

The paintings of evil, violence, cruelty, depicted in the novel, shock us with their everydayness and realism. Only selfless devotion to the duty of such people as Soshnin gives grounds to hope for the victory of good over evil.

In V. Rasputin’s short novel “Fire” we see a special situation. In the Siberian village there was a fire: the Orsov warehouses caught fire. And in his flame the soul and high morals of the hero Ivan Petrovich Egorov are shone, as well as the positions of other inhabitants of the timber enterprise of Sosnovka. The fire in the story divides people into two groups: those who, forgetting about the danger, are trying to save the dying good, and those who are looting. V. Rasputin develops here one of his favorite topics: about the roots of man, about his connection with the place where he was born and raised, about the fact that the lack of moral roots leads to moral degeneration.

About the Chernobyl disaster and its consequences, almost simultaneously written two documentary novels – “Chernobyl notebook” G. Medvedev and “Chernobyl” Yu. Shcherbak. These works shock us with their authenticity, sincerity, civic responsiveness. And the philosophical and journalistic reflections and generalizations of the authors help us understand that the causes of the Chernobyl catastrophe have a direct connection with moral problems.

“Live not according to lies!” – so he called his appeal to the intelligentsia, youth, to all compatriots, written in 1974 by A. Solzhenitsyn. He appealed to each of us, to our conscience, to our sense of human dignity with a passionate reminder: if we do not take care of our souls, nobody will take care of it. Purification and liberation of the social organism from the power of evil can and must begin with our own purification and liberation – with our firm determination in nothing and never to support lies and violence, by our own will, consciously. The word Solzhenitsyn still retains its moral meaning today and can be a solid guarantee of our civil renewal.

The writers are searching for answers to the most burning questions of our lives: what is good and what is true? Why so much evil and cruelty? What is the highest duty of man? Reflecting on the books read, empathizing with their heroes, we ourselves become better and wiser.

Moral problems in the works of contemporary writers