Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Biography

Son of Professor of the Kiev Theological Academy, was born on May 3, 1891 in Kiev.

In 1909 he graduated from the first gymnasium in Kiev.

In 1916 – Kiev University of Medical Faculty.

In 1916-1917, he served as a doctor in the zemstvo of Smolensk province.

In 1918-1919 he lived in Kiev, – the beginning of literary activity simultaneously with partial medical practice.

In 1919 he finally gave up medicine.

In 1920 – lived in Vladikavkaz, worked in the Arts Sub-department, composed the first plays for the local theater.

In 1921 he came to Moscow for permanent residence.

In 1921-1924 in Moscow he served in the Leto Glavpolitprosveta, worked in the newspapers as a chronicler, later as a feuilletonist, began to publish in the newspapers and magazines the first little stories.

In 1925 the novel “The White Guard” was published, the collection of stories “The Devil’s.”

In 1926 – staging the play “Days of Turbins” at the Moscow Art Theater and staging the play “Zoykina apartment” at the Vakhtangov Theater.

In 1928 – the production of the play “Crimson Island” at the Moscow Chamber Theater.

In 1930 he was recruited as a director-assistant in the Moscow Art Theater.

In 1932 – a play on Gogol’s “Dead Souls” was released by the Moscow Art Theater with the participation of Bulgakov as an assistant director.

1932-1936 – work as a director-assistant in the Moscow Art Theater, as an actor in the play “Pickwick Club” by Dickens.

In 1936 – the production of the play “Moliere” by the Moscow Art Theater, participation in the production as a director-assistant. The theater of satire prepared for the release of the play “Ivan Vasilyevich” and was removed after the dress rehearsal.

In 1936 – after the removal of the play “Moliere” from the repertoire – resignation from the Moscow Art Theater; was recruited to the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR as a librettist and consultant.

In 1937 – composed the libretto of the opera “Black Sea” for the State Academic Bolshoi Theater.

In addition to the above plays, the author of the plays “Running”, “Alexander Pushkin”, etc.



