Meeting with Lou Andreas-Salome Rilke considered the most important event of his life, which conditioned his “second birth” – as a man and as a poet. The sign of this “birth” was the replacement of the name given to him by the “Renee” by the more “courageous”, in his opinion, the name “Rainer”. It was Lou Andreas-Salome who was the ideological inspiration for Rilke’s travels through the Russian Empire. Growing up and educated in St. Petersburg, she had been a devoted admirer of Russian culture since childhood and sincerely tried to introduce a young poet to her. Her enthusiastic tales of Russia aroused in him the desire to personally get to know this country. The effect of trips to the Russian Empire exceeded all expectations: in Russia, Rilke found his “spiritual homeland”, opened a “new world” and, most importantly, himself. Poetry of RM Rilke was fond of the famous Ukrainian dissident poet Vasil Stus. He knew many poems of the Austrian poet well, and some of them were translated into Ukrainian during a political prison in Brezhnev’s camps.
Interesting details of the life and work of RM Rilke