The unification of the Arabs and the beginning of the Muslim conquests
With the death of Muhammad, the question arose of his successor. Since, according to the teachings of Islam, there could be no other prophets after Muhammad, the new head of the Muslim community and
Byzantine society
Byzantine society was very colorful: aristocrats, officials, intellectuals, clergy, merchants, artisans, peasants and slaves. Aristocrats performed certain public duties in combination with a pleasant rest. Mental labor involved employees of state and church institutions,
Strengthening of royal power in Europe
Feudal disunity in Europe could not last forever because it quickly fed everyone. The unending feuds between the great feudal lords, with shaky royalty, cost the society dearly, because they were waged by the
Judicial power in medieval Europe
Medieval Europe lived by written laws. At the dawn of the Middle Ages in the territory of the former Roman Empire, the court was carried out according to the collections of laws – barbaric
The struggle of the Swiss for independence. The origins of European democracy
Political changes in Germany continued. In it, in particular, the Swiss Union was formed. This took care of the Alpine shepherds, who rebelled against the Habsburgs. The beginning of the Swiss struggle for independence
Church in the XIV-XV centuries
In the XIV-XV centuries. The royal power grew very strong and took control of the local church. French King Philip IV Beautiful even moved the papal capital from Rome to the French city of
Public Administration and Society of North-Eastern Russia
The most important institution of state government in Russia in the pre-Mongol period was the prince’s power. The prince was not only the supreme ruler of the country or the land, but also the
The most outstanding events of Kievan Rus. Princes of Kievan Rus: Oleg, Olga, Svyatoslav, Vladimir
Byzantium – a powerful state of the time with the capital of Constantinople, whose lands stretched along the southern coast of the Black Sea. Rus and Byzantium had long-standing ties, primarily trading. It was
The strengthening of the Moscow state in the 15th century
The political successes of the Moscow principality, achieved during the reign of Dmitry Donskoy, were consolidated and developed by his successors. The son of Dmitry Donskoy, Prince Vasily I shortly after ascension to the
Seniors, vassals, peasants. Feudal staircase
In the Middle Ages in Europe, special, different than in the ancient world, social relations – feudal. What does this mean? Public feudal lords became feudal lords. Only they were the owners of the
New Year in different countries
New Year comes to people in different countries at different times. He does not everywhere smell of fir-tree and snow. People celebrate the New Year according to the traditions of their ancestors. How many
The Crusades of 1096-1270
The first in 1096 moved to distant Jerusalem detachments of French and German peasants – almost unarmed, without food supplies. On the way, they robbed and killed everyone, especially the Jews. Their fate was
The Hundred Years War of 1337-1453
After the death of Philip IV, three of his sons died one after the other under mysterious circumstances. The grandees proclaimed King Philip VI Long – a representative of the genus Valois. He wrote
Historical personalities. Taras Shevchenko – a symbol of the Ukrainian revival
People whose names and actions are fixed in the sources and whose actions influenced the course of historical events are called Historic Persons. A historical personality, for example, is Vladimir Monomakh. Look through the
The main sources on the history of the Middle Ages
The history of the Middle Ages is studied using numerous historical sources: architectural landmarks, material monuments, written historical sources, ethnographic sources, etc. The preserved architectural monuments seem to transfer us to the distant past.
The beginning of the unification of Russian lands around Moscow
According to the testament of Alexander Nevsky, his youngest son Daniil received possession of a small Moscow principality. Daniel set out to expand the boundaries of his possessions and began to collect Russian lands
Walking to Kanossa. Tug of war in Germany
By the middle of XI century. German emperors considered the popes to be their servants – they appointed them and overthrew them. But the Catholic church still broke out of their death grip. In
Teaching and education in Byzantium
In Byzantium, the career of an official was considered prestigious. It required a certain degree of education, which encouraged young people to learn. Education was not available to everyone, since there were few state
People in the history of Kievan Rus
1. What groups of the population are witnessed by the sources of the times of Kievan Rus and the subsequent centuries? During the emergence of the first state on our lands – with the
The collapse of Byzantium. End of the Middle Ages
Resurrected Byzantium was a weak state. She was feverishly stricken by the cruel struggle for the throne, one area after another vanished from her, her wind was walking in her treasury, she was mercilessly
Clergy. “Those who pray”
The most honorable place in the medieval society of Europe was occupied by the clergy. It was formed in the early Middle Ages, when Europe became Christian. The main duty of the clergy was
Carolingians. Karl Martell, Pepin the Short, Charlemagne. Reconstituted Empire
The first Carolingians were still majordomami with “lazy kings”. The most notable figure among them was Carl Martell. In 732, Carl Martell in the Battle of Poitiers defeated the Arabs and, perhaps, saved Europe
Culture of North-Eastern Russia XIII-XV centuries
Literacy in North-Eastern Russia in the XIII-XV centuries. Special distribution has not received. In the monasteries and at the prince’s court they copied books, which were beautifully decorated. Wrote on parchment or on birch
The main events, information and facts on the topic “Europe, Byzantium, the Arab World” in the tables
A country Prominent figures Developments Byzantine Empire 1) Justinian and Theodora 2) Leo III Isaurus 3) The Macedonian dynasty 4) Vasily II The Bulgarian 5) the Comnen dynasty 6) the Paleologic dynasty 1) the
Moscow is being built
In the vicinity of Moscow there are forests and groves, where the neighborhood of the city is not felt at all, only large planes pass through their highways in the sky… Narrow forest paths
Inventions of the late 19th – early 20th century
As inventions of the late 19th – early 20th century. changed people’s lives? In the second half of 19 – in the early 20 century. In Ukraine, important changes occurred in people’s daily lives,
History in symbols and signs
1. What is the value of the arms and seals for history? On coins, flags, pages of books, pictures, weapons, and sometimes on dishes and other objects, special conditional images happen. Sometimes such images
Pages of the history of Russian theater
In Moscow, music lovers have long been loved. Therefore, long before the opening of the Imperial Bolshoi Theater, the rich noblemen created home theaters in their estates, where their own serf actors played. Representations
Culture and art of the Arab world in the Middle Ages
Not only the Arabs, but also other peoples of the Caliphate who took up Islam, the Arabic language and writing took part in the formation of Arab culture. Successfully developed in the Arab world
“The Age of Vikings.” Hiking
Attacks of Scandinavians continued intermittently from the end of the VIII century. and until the second half of the 11th century. In France, the “northern people” were known under the name of the Normans,
The reign of Philip IV the Beautiful
The royal power was strengthened under Philip IV the Beautiful. He sought to expand his domain. The first marriage of Philip IV was married to Jeanne, the Queen of Navarre and the Countess de
Russian Peredvizhniki artists
At the head of the Russian national school of democratic painting in the second half of the XIX century were artists who united in the “Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions.” It included IN Kramskoy,
The Ukrainian Revolution of 1917. Mikhail Grushevsky
1. What event is called the Ukrainian revolution? When in 1917 in the capital of the Russian Empire Petrograd the power of the tsar was overthrown, Ukrainian parties and public organizations created the Ukrainian
The Italian policy of the German emperors
At the beginning of the XII century. The German Empire united the lands of modern Germany and Austria. Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, the Czech Republic, parts of France and Northern and Central Italy. It was
Chronology and periodization of the history of the Middle Ages
Human society is constantly developing, becoming more complex, improving. To better reflect this forward development, the scholars agreed to divide the world history into Periods. In the XVIII century. they singled out three such
The Ancient Kremlin
The Moscow Kremlin is the oldest part of Moscow, the main socio-political and historical and artistic complex of the capital’s center, the seat of the highest state authorities of the country. The Russian state
Papal States
A considerable part of Middle Italy was occupied by the papal state. Its capital was Rome. It wedged in between the northern and southern parts of Italy and became an additional obstacle to the
From the history of cinema
The world’s first cinematographic session took place on December 28, 1895 in Paris. “Moving photo” – the invention of the Lumiere brothers – was a great success. Now it seems to us that in
Italian city republics
Italy was more fortunate than other Western European countries. It better preserved the ancient heritage, the economic life was rampant, it became the center of the Catholic world. However, the political fate of her
The desire of the city of Laon to independence
A unique example of the irresistible desire of the city for independence is the history described in the chronicle of the abbot Guyiber Nogansky. It is about the struggle for self-government of the inhabitants
Allah and Muhammad
There was a man who was not afraid of the Meccan merchant class. It was Mohammed. He was born in Mecca around 570. Early orphaned. At the age of 25, I married a rich
Completion of the Hundred Years War and the reunification of France
The death of Joan of Arc, as the British had hoped, did not change the course of the war. The French troops continued to advance successfully. The Burgundian Duke, realizing the hopelessness of the
Society of North-Eastern Russia
The population of North-Eastern Russia consisted of peasants, large, medium and small landowners, clergy, and townspeople. The Russian peasantry suffered a worse fate than the West European. If in the countries of Western Europe
The authorities and statehood of the Germans
The highest authority of the Germans was popular assemblies. All adult men participated in them, except for those who showed themselves to be cowards in battle. People’s congresses elected a council of elders, who
Scholasticism. Pierre Abelard, Thomas Aquinas
The word “scholasticism” comes from the Greek. “scientist” and means direction in philosophy. At first the scholastics called people involved in the school: those who study, or those who teach. In the time of
The Mongol invasion of Russia. The Golden Horde yoke
The fragmentation and princely internecine strife undermined the power of Russia. This situation in the XIII century. took advantage of the Mongol conquerors. The Mongols lived in the steppes of Central Asia. They were
Composition and movement of the population. Diseases, wars, famines, epidemics and their consequences
At dawn of the Middle Ages, the territory of Europe was inhabited by different tribes and nationalities. Among them, the formation of a future Europe was mostly influenced by the Celts. Romanesque nationalities, Thracians,
What is chronology
1. How do historians determine the time of an event and what is chronology? Exploring the past, historian scholars answer time and again: When did this or that event occur? Determine the exact time
The first universities in Ukraine
1. What role in the 19th century? played Kharkov University in the development of Ukrainian culture? In the early 19th century. in the part of Ukraine that was part of the Russian Empire, there
Migration, epidemics, war and famine in the Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages Europe was inhabited by Greeks, Romance peoples, Celts, Thracians, Germans, Balts, Slavs, Finno-Ugrians, and Asian and African minorities. In the V-XI centuries. the tribes and peoples of Europe have already