Old Moscow

Muscovites and guests of the capital like to stroll through old Moscow. Now the former names of squares and streets have been restored, which makes it easy to transfer to the ancient Belokamennaya capital.

Culture of medieval India

In medieval India, natural sciences developed, especially mathematics, astronomy, medicine. The Indians are the creators of the “Arabic numerals”, which all mathematicians now use. Our school arithmetic is also of Indian origin. Long-standing Indian

Popular uprisings in France during the Hundred Years’ War

The administration of France was temporarily transferred to the eldest son of John II of the Good Dauphin Karl. He decided to introduce new taxes to arm the army and redeem King John II

Marriage and children in the Middle Ages

At the dawn of the Middle Ages, marriages in Europe were influenced by Roman and barbarous traditions. Thus, Roman law legalized early marriages – from the age of 12, but until the end of

The Spiritual World of Northern European Nations in the Middle Ages

The Scandinavians were pagans. Their mythology is a collection of stories about the warlike gods who lived in Asgard – the Scandinavian Olympus. In Asgard, three major gods dominated – One, Thor and Freyr.

Philip IV the Beautiful. “The Iron King”

Especially strengthened royal power in France under Philip IV the Beautiful. Favorably married, he took possession of the region of Champagne and the kingdom of Navarre beyond the Pyrenees, and then subdued to himself

The most ancient books. Ostromir Gospel

What is known about the oldest books on our lands? The first books were hand-written. Wrote them on a parchment with a goose feather. For writing, dark brown or black ink was used, and

The conquest of the Ottoman Sultans in Europe and Asia

In the middle of the XIV century. Orhan’s troops captured Byzantium and moved on to active operations in the Balkans. Sultan Murad I captured Adrianople and transferred here the capital of his state. His

The struggle of cities for self-government. Communal movement

Since medieval cities were formed on the land of secular and spiritual feudal lords, they accordingly submitted to them. The feudal lords were interested in this, because the craft and trade gave a lot

Normans in the Middle Ages

The Scandinavian peninsula is almost 2,000 km deep in Europe. Long ago it was inhabited by the northern Germanic tribes, which in Western Europe were called Normans, that is, “people of the North”. Of
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