A person’s life, of course, depends on himself. There are those who are used to rely on chance, fate or other “higher powers”. But, basically, in our age of pragmatism and realism, people, above all, rely on their own strengths, preferring only responsibility for mistakes to shift to the shoulders of Mrs. Failure. But the life path is not always successful and often happiness eludes man. But to make it become a constant companion only by the strength of spirit is not enough, it is also necessary that Fortune does not turn away from you, and the mind should be attached. But it is equally important to show character, endure many hardships, not to break.
“Above all, he insisted on achieving the goals: this was a sign of character in his eyes, and he never refused respect for people with this perseverance, no matter how important their goals are,” Stoltsa describes I. Goncharov the novel Oblomov. Certainly, Andrei Ivanovich is a fine example of a man in whom all three components of happiness are successfully combined: an acute mind, a persistent character and a fairly fortunate fate.
“He himself went to his goal, bravely stepping through all the barriers, and only then did he give up the task when a wall or an impassable chasm opened up on his way.” A person with such a character must surely achieve his own happiness; And it happens. Stoltz marries Olga, does business, increasing her fortune, and his life is arranged, cozy and beautiful.
But after all, happiness is not always a wife, a state, a settled house and a constant movement. Happiness can be the simplest, lazy, but such a welcome peace.
“Silence and calm serenity reign in the mores of people in that region.”
Oblomovka… here is an earthly paradise for Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He spent most of his life in bed, napping and dreaming of returning with his wife to the very Oblomovka, where he could live peacefully.
“I have never pulled a stocking on my feet, as I am alive, thank God!” – says Oblomov, comparing himself with “others.” He’s a gentleman, he’s not “different.” Of course, Oblomov can be accused of laziness and inability to organize his life. But are these problems significant from the standpoint of Ilya Ilyich himself? Is not he happy? According to his ideas, in the house on the Vyborg side he reached the ideal of life on earth: the wife-mistress, the son, the cozy house and prosperity. Only sometimes, very, very rarely, he recalled with sadness Olga and Stolz, but only to reassure himself that he had not been created for such a life. Oblomovshchina tightened it, and he found happiness there. Let it does not correspond to the notion of the life of Stolz or other people, but Ilya Ilyich finds his existence quite peaceful and consistent with his ideas about happiness,
“Olga is just smart: here is the current question, as she easily and clearly resolved, and everyone! She immediately sees the direct meaning of the event and approaches him on a straight road,” – so Goncharov describes Olga Ilyinskaya. This girl is really a wonderful person. It is pure and beautiful, like an angel, merciful and sacrificial. But its main virtue still remains the mind, which awarded her nature. Not knowledge acquired and not even life experience, but the mind with which she disposed of her life. She could forget Oblomov, having judged both herself and her feelings, she could love Stolz, make the right choice. Olga deserved her happiness. Oblomov and Stolz are the choice given her life. A persistent character helped to survive the drama with Ilya Ilyich, the mind pushed her to Stolz and a peaceful life.
“Stolz also admired her unselfishly, as a wonderful creature, with a fragrant freshness of mind and feelings,” – her soul was subjected to many trials, Olga herself grew up, but still remained that beautiful light angel who could take Oblomov out of the darkness of his life.
“She (Olga), in a clever, pretty head, has already developed a detailed plan, how she will wean Oblomov to fall asleep after dinner, and not only to sleep, she will not let him lie down on the sofa during the day: he will take the floor,” Olga could choose this path, do not digress from Oblomov. It is even possible that she would have managed to wrest it from the vicious circle of Oblomovism. But Ilya Ilyich’s salvation did not even have the patience of Olga. Another fate, other aspirations and ideals. The love for such a kind and extremely inactive being, like Oblomov, did not change them.
How to explain the different destinies of people? Different characters and aspirations. Everyone has his own happiness, to which he will strive, putting all possible forces not only of will and spirit, but of his whole essence.
The mind of man always prompts the way out of various life situations; character helps to endure misfortunes and losses, survive and not break; but fate still controls us… it’s hardly possible to argue with this. Happiness can be built, earned and suffered. Happiness can be found in anything. It is important only to properly dispose of what nature and life rewarded you.
Happiness is a matter of fate, mind and character